Town of Enfield PLUS

Open Issues: 175 Closed Issues: 8,673 Acknowledged Issues: 270
  • Other應答
    3 Martin St Enfield, CT 06082, USA - polytest
    This person is using this property to work on cars and occasionally has a box truck parked there.
  • 106 Pleasant St Enfield, Connecticut, 06082 - polytest
    This property has many overgrown weeds/bushes in their front yard. The bushes sometimes are overgrown and hang over the fence into the sidewalk making people have to walk in the road. Grass is not cut on a consistent basis in the front yard or back yard. You can see into the back yard and see many overgrown bushes/shrubs or weeds. The yard maintenance is very poor and unattractive.
  • Drugs 打開
    678 Enfield St Enfield, Connecticut, 06082 - polytest
    Hello want to stay anonymous and report family at 678 Enfield Street, Enfield,ct family selling and doing drugs with children in home. Three cars in driveway white infinite and grey one and black Honda accord.
  • Thank you打開
    800 Enfield St Thompsonville, CT, 06082, USA - polytest
    Although many issues remain unresolved, I want to extend a big thanks to all of the hard working people who monitor, attend to, and fix many of those issues. Happy and healthy New Year to you all!
  • 1-19 Steele Rd Town of Enfield, CT, 06082, USA - polytest
    As one drives down Steele Rd, the wires are getting lower and lower with each new "company" that strings a wire. Isn't there a limit a pole can hold? It seems a load limit has been well reached and dangerous lowering wires here and other places for trucks, walkers and possible falling in storms. Check it out.
  • 4 Nancy Dr Enfield, Connecticut, 06082 - polytest
    Walked past the tool shed and the back of the shed was torn off. Graffiti all over the shed. No one was at home.
  • Other打開
    820 Enfield St Enfield CT 06082, United States - polytest
    Both port-a-pots behind town hall are more than disgusting One actually looks like someone set up camp in there..
  • 5 Copper Dr Enfield, Connecticut, 06082 - polytest
    Frontier recently came out to service a residence and the following day a low hanging wire was spotted. We have called Frontier (2 weeks ago) and were given the run around because we don’t have an account with them. So I’m not sure the low wire was properly reported to them. Will someone in the town have better results? Thank you.
  • Other打開
    32 Oak Ave Enfield CT 06082, United States - polytest
    Dead skunk in the middle
    Of the road
  • 7 Elm st打開
    2-2 Niblick Rd Town of Enfield, CT, 06082, USA - polytest
    I was just at the medical building at 7 Elm St., and noticed that all the pillars under the building where the parking is are cracked at the base. It doesn’t look like it’s OK.
  • Other打開
    1 Bluebird Dr Enfield CT 06082, United States - polytest
    Leaking hydrant near this sign
  • Other打開
    820 Enfield St Enfield CT 06082, United States - polytest
    Two lights are out in council chambers