Detroit Water & Sewerage Dept. PLUS

Open Issues: 8 Closed Issues: 106.373 Αναγνωρισμένα Θέματα: 6.012
  • 3937 Field St Detroit, MI 48214, USA - US Congressional District MI13
    sewerage in basement
  • 20066 Fenmore St Detroit, MI 48235, USA - US Congressional District MI14
    water in basement and over road unable to clear drain.
  • Cave-In over the SewerΑναγνωρισμένο
    9100–9200 Third St Detroit MI 48202, United States - US Congressional District MI13
    Dangerous road conditions obstructing the two center lanes of third street just north of the intersection at Clairmont Has been reported for over a year and continues to deteriorate Existing cones do not come close to protecting drivers from this hazard
  • Cave-In over the SewerΑναγνωρισμένο
    1701 Trumbull St Detroit MI 48216, United States - US Congressional District MI13
    I'm visually impaired and stepped directly into this hole, spilling my groceries in the street. The business owner on the corner said that the city had been out more than once to repair it but had only thrown a rubber ring from an orange barrel over it, which also caught my foot causing the fall. Please repair this properly.
  • Cave-In over the SewerΑναγνωρισμένο
    130 Atkinson St Detroit, Michigan, 48202 - US Congressional District MI13
    Alley behind home is paved with brick and is caving in. The alley contains several drainage grates, however, because of the numerous potholes/sink holes, the drainage water is pooling in the alley further exacerbating the issue.
  • Cave-In over the SewerΑναγνωρισμένο
    14400–14498 Korte St Detroit MI 48215, United States - US Congressional District MI13
    Dangerously Large Hole just waiting for Lawsuit to happen.
  • Cave-In over the SewerΑναγνωρισμένο
    1111 Seminole St Detroit MI 48214, United States - US Congressional District MI13
    Very deep cave in the brick alley way (behind 1111 Seminole) that I assume is over a sewer. Getting more difficult for vehicles to pass
  • Cave-In over the SewerΑναγνωρισμένο
    22 W Willis St Detroit MI 48201, United States - US Congressional District MI13
    The alley behind our business has been an open hole (with very little consistent or ongoing work) since before Thanksgiving. It makes accessing our commercial parking lot difficult as the rest of the alley is full of large potholes.
  • Cave-In over the SewerΑναγνωρισμένο
    2733 Gratiot Ave Detroit, Michigan, 48207 - US Congressional District MI13
    The Detroit Water and Sewerage Department had performed work at this location. Once the work was completed shortly their after the entire corner sunk causing damage to the entire curbside. It is a significant hazard to the public and it is a terrible trip hazard.
  • Cave-In over the SewerΑναγνωρισμένο
    17425 2nd Ave Detroit, MI 48203, USA - US Congressional District MI14
    This sewer is located on the Westside of 17425 2nd Ave. Several vehicles had drove into this sunken sewer hole.
  • Cave-In over the SewerΑναγνωρισμένο
    17425 2nd Ave Detroit, MI 48203, USA - US Congressional District MI14
    The barricade that was over this sunken sewer is now broken up and laying on the lawn from vehicles hit and driving over the barricade. Vehicle are still driving into the sunken sewer pit.
  • Cave-In over the SewerΑναγνωρισμένο
    1944-1998 Merrick St Detroit, MI, 48208, USA - US Congressional District MI13
    Sewer caving in on street Merrick, west of Rosa Parks near drive-way gate of emergency EMS apparatus