Detroit Water & Sewerage Dept. PLUS

Open Issues: 9 Temas cerrados: 100.749 Temas Reconocidos: 6.683
  • 1508 W Canfield St Detroit MI 48208, United States - US Congressional District MI13
    Sewer drain caved in months ago and has only grown with no action
  • 1746 Edison St Detroit MI 48206, United States - US Congressional District MI13
    The visibility of the sewer cover has disappeared, as the ground surrounding it has sunken about 4 inches. Despite numerous reports, the city has been unresponsive to this matter. It is imperative that immediate attention is given to this concern in order to prevent further exacerbation of the problem.
  • 18529 Trinity St Detroit MI 48219, United States - US Congressional District MI14
    Big hole street falling apart
  • 18710 Dwyer St Detroit, MI 48234, USA - US Congressional District MI13
    cave in near catch basins
  • 3733 Oakman Blvd Detroit, Michigan, 48204 - US Congressional District MI14
    This is a follow up to request # 14543766. There was asphalt put down but no repair to sinkhole.
  • 1524 Hazelwood St Detroit MI 48206, United States - US Congressional District MI13
  • 11531 Sanford St Detroit, Michigan, 48205 - US Congressional District MI13
    This has been called in several times. In the alley it has caved in and is causing basement flooding in several houses.
  • 503 Marlborough St Detroit, MI 48215, USA - US Congressional District MI13
  • 15900 Fenkell Ave Detroit, MI 48227, USA - US Congressional District MI14
    Sinkhole over patched pavement.
    This is a real hazard for the drifters doing their nightly "doughnuts" in the middle of Fenkell.
    It's also a traffic hazard
  • 10091 Grayton St Detroit, MI, 48224, USA - US Congressional District MI13

    Why cant we get any help or response for the residence in Detroit, 2 months and counting of having water drain backup in the basement and no workers from the Detroit Water Department ever shows up.

    The Water Department Supervisors and Managers will never call you back, no one is helping and they all make excuses.

  • 3527 S Bassett St Detroit MI 48217, United States - US Congressional District MI13
    One picture is from May of 2022 when 1st reported that someone had fallen in the sink hole the city just put a orange barrel 3 months later and now Jan.1 2023 it's wider and deeper PLEASE ADDRESS this matter PROPERLY before someone else gets hurt or KILLED !! It's behind 3500 s Bassett St. Detroit Mi 48217 !
  • 1000 Maple St Detroit, Michigan, 48207 - US Congressional District MI13
    Water is backing up into the facility at Detroit City Distillery - 1000 Maple St, Detroit - 48207. There is a sink hole on the outside of the building; where it has been discovered that the sewer piping has collapsed. This has previously been reported on 2/28/2024 (No investigation as of yet) using the address 1300 Maple St, which is at the same site.