Detroit Water & Sewerage Dept. PLUS
Open Issues: 10
Closed Issues: 97,845
Acknowledged Issues: 8,441
9731 Harper Ave Detroit MI 48213, United States - US Congressional District MI13There are several sink holes reported by the business owner on the alleyway behind the commercial property on 9731 Harper Ave.
8102 Woodlawn Detroit MI 48213, United States - US Congressional District MI13There is a hole in the alleyway that is +4 feet deep.
Oakwood Heights Detroit, MI, USA - US Congressional District MI133 sinkholes along Old Oakwood. One appeared today and had air blowing from the ground along the same line as the other sinkholes. Please investigate and repair. Tried to submit picture with ticket, but was not able to upload. Please contact me for access: 313-269-8083 Tony Marathon
PotholesADIは、Annott St & Lappin St Detroit, MI, 48205, USA - US Congressional District MI13Multiple potholes on Annott and Lappin
11556–11598 Linwood St Detroit MI 48206, United States - US Congressional District MI13Big sink hole in front of Muslim Center.
17435 Manderson Rd Highland Park, Michigan, 48203 - US Congressional District MI14Residents and Detroit City vehicles have to avoid this sink hole.
18351 Burgess Detroit, MI 48219, USA - US Congressional District MI14There is a sink hole forming on the Corner of Burgess and Pickford
PotholesADIは、Christy St Detroit, MI, 48205, USA - US Congressional District MI13multiple potholes located on Christy St btw E McNichols and Gratiot
10148 Gratiot Ave Detroit MI 48213, United States - US Congressional District MI13The alley behind BetterMade has multiple cave in sink holes
Shoemaker & Lemay - US Congressional District MI13This request was submitted to the Detroit Water and Sewerage Department directly, prior to being imported into SeeClickFix.