Van Buren County Road Commission PLUS
Mowing, Brush Control, Sight Distance ConcernsAcknowledged37679 76th St Covert, Michigan, 49043 - Van Buren CountyResident has a concern about her ditch at 37679 76th southeast of her driveway . Resident would like for the ditch to be clean out . Thanks
Mowing, Brush Control, Sight Distance ConcernsAcknowledged72081 26th St Lawton, Michigan, 49065 - Van Buren CountyPorter Township: Resident indicates that last week his property was brush sprayed. He keeps his property mowed, but the contractor sprayed "Mock Orange Bushes" that are right next to the barn. The spray ended up all over his barn, and his animals are also in that area. I sent him a Damage Claim, and told him that someone would be out to review and assess.
Mowing, Brush Control, Sight Distance ConcernsAcknowledged69092 68th Ave Watervliet, Michigan, 49098 - Van Buren CountyTrees/bushes hanging in roadway, need trimming
Gravel on roadAcknowledged60th St & 71st Ave Hartford Township, MI, 49045, USA - Van Buren CountyGravel on paved road intersection. Vehicles drive in the gravel to avoid the jog in road all the time (even the school bus). This has been an on going issue since they changed this intersection from a "T" intersection to whatever it is now. The jog in the road does not slow traffic down, they just drive in the gravel shoulder. Would like to see the gravel brushed off the road. But to help with the ongoing issue of the gravel on the road, Can that be filled in with asphalt? Also the roads are cracking in other places on 60th and 71st Ave). One place was patched this summer which was appreciated.
PotholeAcknowledged52nd St & M 43 Arlington, MI, 49013, USA - Van Buren CountyArlington Township: Resident reported 10 potholes on 52nd St and M 43. I explained M 43 is not in our jurisdiction but we would fill the potholes that are on 52nd St. (MAF)
Seal coatAcknowledged14360 77th St South Haven, Michigan, 49090 - Van Buren County
Received the following email; Hi Melissa:
Just left a voice message on 269-674-8011, following up on the conversation you had yesterday with Linda regarding the gravel swept by the County’s power broom operator onto our lawn at 14360 77th Street, South Haven, MI 49090.
We very much appreciate the Van Buren County Road Commission’s work in keeping our county roads well maintained and safe, including the Tuesday, August 27 tar and chip application on 77th Street. The crew was quick and efficient but apparently put on too much stone. When the power broom came yesterday morning, August 29th, it swept the excess stone off 77th Street into residence’s lawns, including ours.
In order to save our grass and eliminate the mowing safety hazard this action presented, we spent six hours blowing and sweeping several yards of stone chips off our ~650’ of road frontage back into the street (see attached before and after pictures).
The stone is not helping the road if it’s in residence’s lawns. Please, please, please instruct the power broom operator NOT to do this again. I’m 78 years old, Linda’s 77...and there are other things we’d prefer to do with our time time.
Thanks. If you have any questions, please give us a call.
Seal coatAcknowledged67300 County Road 384 South Haven, Michigan, 49090 - Van Buren CountyResident left an after hours voicemail, stating the stone from seal coat is in his yard and ditch line. I called him, explained our operations and right of way. He is emailing a video. Please evaluate if the broom/sweeping went outside of the right of way. (MAF)
Shoulder Repair/ConcernAcknowledged77th St & 16th Ave South Haven, Michigan, 49090 - Van Buren CountySouth Haven Township: Resident left an after hours voicemail, stating there is no shoulder on 77th St between 16th and 17th Ave. She is requesting a shoulder added so when you run off the road you run into the shoulder and not someone's yard. Please call her back (MAF)
Shoulder Repair/ConcernAcknowledged39991 County Road 669 Decatur, Michigan, 49045 - Van Buren CountyResident requested shoulder gravel from his driveway to the creek. He stated it is a long stretch of road in front of 39991 CR 669 that requires more gravel.
Shoulder Repair/ConcernAcknowledged32151 56th Ave Paw Paw, Michigan, 49079 - Van Buren County4" drop from road into driveway. Hazardous, could cause loss of control and accident to those speeding past not paying attention. Problem will worsen come winter. Please fix.
Drainage, Water or Washout ConcernAcknowledged42601-42699 Baseline Rd Bloomingdale, MI, 49026, USA - Van Buren CountyBloomingdale Township: Resident reported a washout at the end of the driveway. He stated he needs a new culvert and is upset that VBCRC will not replace it. 4253 Baseline (MAF)
Drainage, Water or Washout ConcernAcknowledged14th Ave & Deercreek Dr South Haven Charter Township, MI, 49090, USA - Van Buren CountySouth Haven Township: Resident reported a ditch on 14th Ave close to the intersection of Deercreek Dr that needs to be cleaned out. He stated there is a pipe that runs parallel to the road on 14th Ave that is buried. Please call him back. (MAF)