City of Oakland Private Property - Code Enforcement PLUS

Open Issues: 6 Closed Issues: 91 Acknowledged Issues: 11,598
  • 688 Louisiana St Oakland, CA 94603, USA - Brookfield Village
    Many junk vehicles, buses, structures on this and 680 next door apparently used as illegal housing compound.
  • 524 61st St Oakland, California, 94609 - Bushrod

    Property divided into two units, for one for long term rental and one for short term rental. Is this allowed? Do they have an city business permit/license for the airbnb? Property is not owner occupied

  • 1800 68th Ave Oakland, CA, 94621, USA - Hegenberger
    Unmasked Zumba classes with music over 120dB. Is property zoned for commercial use? Every day between 9am 10am.
  • 3928 Wattling St Oakland, CA 94601, USA - Fruitvale Station
    Residential lot used for commercial junk storage
  • 3401 Salisbury St Oakland, California, 94601 - Peralta-Hacienda
  • 9105 Golf Links Rd Oakland, California, 94605 - Toler Heights

    This is a trail off Las Vegas Ave behind Senaca reservoir in Oakland.

    A contractor has made the trail into his own illegal construction site for over a year and even put up signs as if he owns the land. He parks construction related vehicles, trailers, tools, and equipments there. He uses the site to do various construction related work and vehicle and tool storage.

    When I told him he can’t do that he bullies me and tells me it’s not my property. But it directly backs several residential homes and it is NOT his property nor a commercial or an approved construction site. He has illegally taken possession of a site for his commercial construction related activities.

    I live here and work from home. His illegal activities disturb home life and work with construction work noises anytime of the day including weekends and the vehicle traffic as he hauls the construction or lumber related materials in and out of the site.

    He has damaged the trail and natural vegetation around to make his work easier.

    Please follow up with authorities to shut down the illegal possession and construction related activities going on for over a year now. All our requests and pleas to the contractor have been ignored and I am bullied by him in return.

  • 9407 Oscar Ave Oakland, CA 94603, USA - Brookfield Village
    Apparent commercial use of front yard, structures, illegal yard parking, litter. thank you
  • 3742 San Juan St Oakland, California, 94601 - Harrington

    Person is operating their chicharrons cooking business out of their yard. The name of the business is La Merena Cuertos. During the pandemic they lost their physical location (4717 Foothill) and began cooking on their property. There is a large cooking setup outside that is used almost daily. When in use a large amount of cooking smoke/steam is let into the air and and foul smell can be smelt throughout the neighborhood. When they are cooking (almost daily), they use a loud speaker to play music.

    Code Enforcement has been out several times and found multiple violations of the space, but the cooking activity continues and the problem persists and grows after every visit.

    BAAQMD has been out to review the property, but the person told them he's just cooking for himself, not a business... but there are literally trucks with his logo on the property, and his is cooking massive quantities daily.

  • 4101 Piedmont Ave Oakland, CA, 94611, USA - Piedmont Avenue
    Citi Bank running gas powered leaf blowers every Monday, around 7:30AM to 8:30AM. Branch manager dismisses complaints.
  • 2135 21st Ave Oakland CA 94606, United States - Highland Terrace
    Excessive multiple dogs barking through the day and night, their backyard has a obnoxious smell of feces and urines
  • 1562 8th St Oakland CA 94607, United States - Prescott Oakland Point
    Smell bad
  • 1315 31st Ave Oakland, CA, 94601, USA - Hawthorne
    Large profanity language is on the wall. This is residential area. We have senior and kids are living here. The graffiti is up there more than months, but the ownwr doesn't take the responsibility to maintain the building.