Public Health PLUS
165 Church St New Haven, CT, 06510, USA - Town_Green
At approximately 1:20 PM on September 8, 2022, I witnessed a woman I believe, from the badge she was wearing, to be an employee of the City of New Haven, trip on one of the numerous trip hazards on the access ramp to the back door to New Haven City Hall.
Changes in vertical level other than the slope of the ramp itself are not allowed on access ramps. An engineering degree is not needed to know that individual paving blocks will respond independently to seasonal weather changes and shift in different directions at different rates and create trip hazards.
It should be noted that there is a ballot drop box at the top of this ramp that is not accessible to voters who have a disability.
English Dr & Orange St New Haven, CT, 06511, USA - East RockI'm not sure where all of the barriers are but please remove all of the barriers that illegally deny people who have disabilities the right to use the "shared use paths" to access the summit of East Rock Park.
386-406 Orange St New Haven, CT, 06511, USA - Downtown
Today's lesson in ADA Compliance: 36.403 ALTERATIONS: PATH OF TRAVEL.
"The obligation to provide an accessible path of travel may not be evaded by performing a series of small alterations to the area served by a single path of travel if those alterations could have been performed as a single undertaking."
The path of travel in this case is from the "Accessible" Public Housing Facility at Audubon and Orange that is currently 3/4 Ghettoized, to at least the corner of Orange and Trumbull (an argument can be made that it extends to the Chiropractor's Office on Orange, north of Bradley if a resident is also a patient of that health-care facility).
Leaving the tree stump, slate slabs and ADA violations just beyond this repair would leave that facility 3/4 Ghettoized. The necessary alterations that would remediate this violation of Federal law can be performed in a single undertaking and therefore must be performed in a single undertaking.
71-97 York St New Haven, CT, 06511, USA - Town_Green
This gentleman is riding on York St' to get around this trip hazard at the tree near the entrance to Walgreens. This is an access route to the hospital a couple of blocks south.
The odd thing about this is that the tree doesn't deem to be old enough to have lifted it this far above level,
145 Orange St New Haven, CT, 06510, USA - 770 Chapel Big
Pitkin Plaza in it's entirety violates ADA 302.1 General. Floor and ground surfaces shall be stable, firm, and slip resistant and shall comply with 302 and these loose blocks are undeniably generally hazardous.
Unlike other parks, the city invites thousands of people to attend events - at night, when it's dark. What is inevitable is inevitable.
330-398 St John St New Haven, CT, 06511, USA - Wooster SquareI'm not sure why this needs to be explained. It is incredibly irresponsible and dangerous to install a tactile feedback pad on a curb ramps and leave the other side of the crosswalk with no curb ramp. How would someone in a wheelchair get over this curb? What does a visually impaired pedestrian do after they cross the street and find that there's a curb there? When they travel back in the opposite direction, how do they know that they're entering a roadway?
87-109 Park St New Haven, CT, 06511, USA - Dwight
George Crawford Manor is an Elm City Communities facility for people who are elderly and/or have disabilities. It is fenced. The only entrance is a sidewalk along the driveway.
The City of New Haven recently installed a new curb ramp and violated 28 CFR35.151 by only remediating that "small section of the path of travel" to that entrance. You can see the section that was ignored. The next two photos show detail from both direction. The last photo is the other side of the entrance, near the corner of George St..
Those substantial limitations leave this Public Housing Facility for people who are elderly and/or have disabilities 100% ghettoized. There is no accessible path of travel to the bus stop on George St. or to Yale New Haven Hospital, one block south on Park St.
" A “path of travel” includes a continuous, unobstructed way of pedestrian passage by means of which the altered area may be approached, entered, and exited, and which connects the altered area with an exterior approach (including sidewalks, streets, and parking areas), an entrance to the facility, and other parts of the facility."
26-50 Wall St New Haven, CT, 06510, USA - Town_Green
When DPW provided these elected officials with this personal benefit, it apparently ignored the alteration requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act. There is a Courthouse and there are numerous violations of the ADA (and perhaps also Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973) on the north side).
When DPW milled Wall St., it was required to remediate those violations.
DPW was also required to install a tactile feedback pad on the north side. Someone who needs a tactile feedback pad needs one in both directions or how do they make the return trip??? People can travel from the House of Worship on Wall St. at Orange St. but cannot travel to that House of Worship. There is no point in installing one. A single tactile feedback pad is more dangerous to visually-impaired pedestrians. They will detect one and naturally expect that there is one on the other side of the street because they will assume that the DPW has a basic understanding of their purpose.
Pleas finish this project in a way that complies with Federal Law.
Sidewalks and Curb damageAcknowledgedCourt St & Orange St New Haven, CT, 06511, USA - Town_GreenThe City of New Haven failed its attempt to remediate the violations of the ADA on both sides of Court St, directly across from the Federal office building. The change in vertical level allowed by the ADA is one-quarter inch, one-half inch if beveled.. Changes in vertical level that exceed one-half inch were left at both locations. The improperly used paving blocks left in place on one curb ramp offer no slip-resistance, as materials used on curb are required to do.
380 Orange St New Haven, CT, 06511, USA - Downtown
Pleas refer this to the Director of Disability Services.
Someone has apparently replaced a "small section" of a ground surface that is not "firm, stable and slip-resistant" (on a "path for travel" from what Elm City Communities has deemed to be an accessible Public Housing facility to a Public Seating Area in front of a Public School) with a ground surface that is not "firm, stable and slip-resistant."