Sandy, UT PLUS
Problèmes Ouverts: 2
Problèmes Clos: 3 502
Problèmes Pris en compte: 920
Street LightsReconnu9139-9139 Sterling Dr Sandy, UT, 84093, USA - SandyThe East Side warning flasher to cross Stirling Dr at Falcon Park repairs keep failing after only 2 or 3 days when the East Side flasher quits working again. People are still pressing the button thinking it works because you can't tell standing underneath the flasher. Please figure out why the repair only last for a couple days before failing again. Thank you.
Street LightsReconnu415 W 9800 S Sandy, UT, 84070, USA - SandyBoth street lights that you can see in the picture are burned out. We are in a circle and it gets very dark and unsafe.
Street LightsReconnu267 E 11000 S Sandy UT 84070, United States - SandyThe light doesn't flash when you push the button. Drivers, driving west can't see a flashing light.
Street LightsReconnu9400–9428 S 700 E Sandy UT 84070, United States - SandyMiddle traffic signal heading southbound on 700 E at 9400 S has red light out
Street LightsReconnuS 1300 E & E 9400 S Sandy, UT, 84094, USA - SandyThe pedestrian walk-sign has been knocked off the traffic light on the SE corner of 9400 S & 1300 E. It's laying on the ground beneath the pole. Thank you. -John Hedberg, Sandy, UT
Street LightsReconnu997 E 7800 S Midvale, UT 84047, USA - Sandyred light is out on the North East light
Street LightsReconnu7800 S 1000 E Sandy, UT 84094, USA - Sandyred light out on northbound 1000 East
Street LightsReconnuE Sego Lily Dr & State St Sandy, UT, 84070, USA - SandyThe red part on the middle traffic light headed northbound on State St at 10000 S isn't working.
Street LightsReconnuE Barrett Park Dr & S Susan Dr Sandy, UT, 84092, USA - SandyThe street sign with the address coordinates on this corner is leaning pretty hard.