Cobb County, GA PLUS

Open Issues: 16 Closed Issues: 19,086 Acknowledged Issues: 901
  • 2502 Owens Landing Trail Nw Kennesaw GA 30152, United States - Cobb County
    The curb causing a tripping and driving hazard Additionally it keeps moving into the cul de sac
  • Clay Dr Sw Marietta, Georgia, 30064 - Cobb County
    The Streets and curbs are crumbling in the entire neighborhood, there has been no maintenance since the the sub-development has been created.
  • 3786 Clubland Trl Marietta, Georgia, 30068 - Cobb County
    Broken grate over drainage. Dangerous as could be stepped in! Especially dangerous for my grandchildren that I keep on occasion
  • 4301-4499 Oakdale Rd Smyrna, GA, 30080, USA - Cobb County

    The curb is very high on the right and left side of my driveway. 4484 Oakden Pl. there is no gradual easement connecting the road and the driveway.

    This is dangerous and can cause future damage to my cars, guest cars or delivery drivers that don’t see the curb.

  • 350 Fairbrook Cir Ne Marietta, GA, 30067, USA - Cobb County
    This has been reported before but now a big chunk of the curb near sewer has broken off.
  • 4301-4499 Oakdale Rd Smyrna, GA, 30080, USA - Cobb County
    I'm a homeowner in a newly build subdivision(Oakview Parc) which is directly across the street from Lewis A. Ray Library. There are a total of 9 homes. The last two lots, 4480 & 4484 Oakden Place, curbs were cut so high that drainage from our yards is slightly impeded and our cars scrape the curb when turning out of our driveway. I have reached out the the builder, Lennar Homes, and I have been told that the county placed the road and curb, so the county is responsible for rectifying this issue.
  • 2910 Bay Berry Dr Sw Marietta, GA, 30008, USA - Cobb County
    The curb is caving in at the drain right in front of Hollydale E.S. I've already called once about this over a month ago. My neighbor who lives at the house infront of it has called before too. Please fix this A.S.A.P as children can easily fall down the drain.
  • Midway Rd Nw Marietta, Georgia, 30064 - Cobb County
    Guardrail and Curb / Gutter Damaged by vehicle accident.
  • 5557 Brookgreen Dr Nw Acworth GA 30101, United States - Cobb County
    Gutter broken and damaged
  • 5834 Brookstone Walk Nw Acworth, GA 30101, USA - Cobb County
    car hit curb and damaged curb drainage hole.
  • 3584 Gus Pl Powder Springs, Georgia, 30127 - Cobb County
  • 3295-3391 Bloomfield Ave Sw Austell, GA, 30106, USA - Cobb County
    In front of 3312 Bloomfield.
    Crews came out today because the iron plate at grade level had broken off the concrete lip and fallen into the opening. This is their "repair" -- they simply put the iron plate back but off-center, so it had something to rest on, and then covered it with lumps of dirt from the gutter. That dirt will just wash away, and this is still dangerous because the plate is not affixed and anyone stepping here will not have solid footing. It is also a beautification issue, as this is a County historic district (Clarkdale) and these are the original gutters. This is extremely unprofessional work and needs to be repaired properly.