Cobb County, GA PLUS
Open Issues: 16
Closed Issues: 19,112
Acknowledged Issues: 887
Curb and Gutter DamagedAcknowledged410-436 Concord Rd Se Smyrna, GA, 30082, USA - SmyrnaPlease remove the center median. The newly installed center median is a hazard and could have been placed in a more suitable location. This looks and feels like a mistake. The lane widths are less than desirable and the gutter has been filled with asphalt as a remedy. If there is a traffic calming reason for this, please explain. Thank you.
Curb and Gutter DamagedAcknowledged350 Fairbrook Cir Ne Marietta, GA, 30067, USA - Cobb CountyThis has been reported before but now a big chunk of the curb near sewer has broken off.
Curb and Gutter DamagedAcknowledged3295-3391 Bloomfield Ave Sw Austell, GA, 30106, USA - Cobb CountyIn front of 3312 Bloomfield.
Crews came out today because the iron plate at grade level had broken off the concrete lip and fallen into the opening. This is their "repair" -- they simply put the iron plate back but off-center, so it had something to rest on, and then covered it with lumps of dirt from the gutter. That dirt will just wash away, and this is still dangerous because the plate is not affixed and anyone stepping here will not have solid footing. It is also a beautification issue, as this is a County historic district (Clarkdale) and these are the original gutters. This is extremely unprofessional work and needs to be repaired properly. -
Curb and Gutter DamagedAcknowledged2360 Elmwood Cir Se Mableton GA 30126, United States - Cobb CountyCurb and gutter are too low or possibly missing so dirt and grass accumulate causing large puddles in roadway when rain. Also have another drain nearby that flood and could be caused by this gutter
Curb and Gutter DamagedAcknowledged4671 Flint Hill Rd Austell, GA, 30106, USA - Cobb CountyStorm drain is clog and broken. Floods heavy rain on to flint hill.
Curb and Gutter DamagedAcknowledged842 Bishops Run Ln Mableton, GA, 30126, USA - MabletonI have more than one photo, but this platform does not allow more than one photo. The photo I have submitted is part one of two - there are two issues. This photo shows the street sloping and losing the integrity. It is sinking. As the issue continues there is curb damage as a separate or result of the deterioration of the asphalt and curb cement. This deterioration could cause damage to a vehicle if it sinks and swallows a care.
Curb and Gutter DamagedAcknowledged2502 Owens Landing Trail Nw Kennesaw GA 30152, United States - Cobb CountyThe curb causing a tripping and driving hazard Additionally it keeps moving into the cul de sac
Curb and Gutter DamagedAcknowledged2997 Tallowood Dr Nw Marietta GA 30064, United States - Cobb CountyGutter is broken and sunken down, causing storm water to run over and cause heavy erosion, and damage to my walkway and driveway,also putting silt in the creek on my lot.
Curb and Gutter DamagedAcknowledged6152-6164 Lower Roswell Rd Ne Marietta, GA, 30068, USA - Cobb CountyThere have been 3 accidents in the past year on Lower Roswell Road (just before the bridge repair). These accidents all resulting in vehicles going through the "handrail" that runs adjacent to the sidewalk and crashing 30-40 feet below the road elevation. The handrail is now being repaired. However, this needs to be replaced with a DOT guard rail to prevent someone from getting killed in this area. As an engineer myself, I realize this may not meet the DOT requirements for a guardrail based on the fact that there is curb/gutter and the separation from the slope to the edge of the road. However, the steep grade of the road along with the curve in this area makes it an extremely dangerous stretch of road...hence the 3 accidents there so far.
Curb and Gutter DamagedAcknowledged3006-3016 Wynfrey Pl Sw Acworth-Kennesaw, GA, 30064, USA - Cobb CountyContact crew placing manholes in our recently paved neighborhood cracked the street gutter slab all the way through and shifted out of alignment as well. This is a danger to step on as it's cracked all the way through and sagging. I have more photos of the misalignment that has created a trip hazzard as well.
Curb and Gutter DamagedAcknowledged1164 Seven Springs Cir Marietta, GA, 30068, USA - Cobb CountyThe water doesn't flow into the storm drain (near my mailbox at 1164 seven springs. but streams down neighbors driveway 1160 seven springs and into my yard as well as into my backyard causing flooding at 1164 seven springs. The curbing in front of my house is cracked and sinking also stopping the water to flow down the stormdrain which causes flooding in my backyard.
Curb and Gutter DamagedAcknowledged1482 Fallsbrook Ct Nw Acworth, GA 30101, USA - Cobb Countyculvert nearing collapse and shifted on sidewalk side causing trip hazard greater than 1"