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Problèmes Ouverts: 41
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Problèmes Pris en compte: 142
31 River Ct Jersey City NJ 07310, United States - The WaterfrontAbout half the lights along the Hudson River Waterfront Walkway are out This is between the Port Authority property, through Newport Lighthouse all the way through Town Square Park I selected Hamilton Park, but the issue is not there It's along the waterfront walkway
Pedestrian Safety RequestReconnu980 Garfield Ave Jersey City, NJ 07304, USA - Bergen-Lafayettefor the second time this week, cars ignored the pedestrian yield sign and I was almost hit. please do something before a child or pregnant woman such as myself die at this intersection.
Park Equipment RepairReconnu257 Montgomery St Jersey City NJ 07302, United States - DowntownThe attached three pole lights are on 24/7 Their light sensor needs to be replaced