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350 York St Jersey City, New Jersey, 07302 - DowntownAccording to this resident, "there's construction work being done on a Fire Hydrant at this location and No Signs are posted notifying residents not to park there. He said, they have been moving the parked cars to other areas nearby. He's upset about not being notified in advance so residents would've known not to park at that location."
Pothole RepairReconnu53 Stuyvesant Ave Jersey City, NJ 07306, USA - Journal Squarethere is a pot hole right at the start of romaine ave , while turning right from stuyvesant ave. its been a while. more than a month. please fix. thanks.
Pothole RepairReconnu817-825 Jersey Ave Jersey City, NJ, 07310, USA - Downtown
Jersey avenue needs to be repaired, but until then it needs to be patched. Cars are cracking wheels all the time, and the shoddy condition of the road is breaking suspension components are peoples cars.
The city permitted several thousand residents to move the neighborhood, with their cars but has not done much of anything to remediate this issue for the last 5 years.
Pothole RepairReconnu278 First St Jersey City NJ 07302, United States - DowntownThis pothole was temporarily fixed by a citizen with concrete but that fix is now failing. This is a spot where children play and is a delivery driver route.
23 Cottage St Jersey City, NJ, 07306, USA - Journal SquareCottage Street still closed and impassable creating dangerous traffic conditions on BOTH Summit Avenue and JFK Blvd. Cement trucks all over the place coming up the wrong way and no police or traffic signs or enforcement. Just one random construction worker with a stop sign. When someone gets killed maybe the city will finally address the problem.
Pothole RepairReconnu124–142 Bartholdi Ave Jersey City 07305, United States - GreenvilleThere is a massive pothole that might be new. Both me and my husband accidentally drove over it while trying to make a right turn onto JFK from Bartholdi this week and it feels like it will be extremely destructive to any car that drives over it.
1-81 Cottage St Jersey City, NJ, 07306, USA - Journal SquareCottage street due to the ongoing contruction is COMPLETELY UNEVEN. Its almost impossible to drive a car there. Can the whole street be repaved? Its beyond repair due the damage done by HEAVY consutrction vehicles on this street.
275 Winfield Ave Jersey City, NJ 07305, USA - Greenvillei think a1 repaired a broken sewage pipe but didn't finish the job . it's in front of my driveway and it sunken in about 2 feet. The noise of cars driving over it at 25 mph is herd all night and its hard to pull into my driveway without tearing up my car . Please send someone out
559 Garfield Ave Jersey City, New Jersey, 07305 - GreenvilleAccording to the owner of 559 Garfield Ave., "the construction workers damaged her fence while doing work on Garfield Ave. She said, she tried to find out who is responsible for the damages caused to her fence, but all the workers claim not to speak English."
Pothole RepairReconnu302 Palisade Ave Jersey City NJ 07307, United States - The HeightsLarge hole near center line
Pothole RepairReconnu102 Grant Ave Jersey City, New Jersey, 07305 - Bergen-LafayetteFell and injured my left knee as well my right elbow this is a great concern I am 62 years old it could have been worst please we have children on the block as well this is dangerous