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Ask a QuestionĐược thừa nhậnBaldwin Ave Jersey City, New Jersey, 07306 - Journal SquareCan anyone provide an update on how long Baldwin Ave will be closed to traffic. Baldwin Ave is a highly used roads in Jersey City. Not a word on the News, News Traffic, or from the City, County, Feds… What’s up?
Ask a QuestionĐược thừa nhận281 Marin Blvd Jersey City, NJ 07302, USA - DowntownSadly, another public (city's) Charge Point EV charger is down. this time one of two at Marin Blvd just around the corner from the city hall. The charger seems to be completely powered off. If someone could look into it it would mean a lot.
2 Ash St Jersey City, NJ, 07304, USA - Bergen-Lafayette
There isn't a category for this, but we used to have a trash can at this spot which was later removed and I'm wondering if we can request one be added.
In general this area of Bergen-Lafayette is lacking sufficient public waste bins and as a result is covered in litter.
With the rise in new buildings, more parked cars, and more residents there is a need for more public waste bins.
Additionally, might the city be able to add Dog Waste Bag dispensers?
Bright St & Varick St Jersey City, NJ, 07302, USA - DowntownThe Frank R Conwell schools (PS3 and MS4) consistently have a line of idling cars out in front of the school in the drop off area during school drop off, school pick up, and drop off/pick up for scheduled after hours events. I walked out of my building this evening, saw 8-10 cars idling without drivers inside, and all I could smell was exhaust. There is 'no idling' signage in this area, but there does not seem to be any enforcement. I get that sometimes you might need to double park to walk your child in or out of the building, but I don't think the idling is necessary. Is there anyone that can help address this health concern?
234 Lexington Ave Jersey City, New Jersey, 07304 - West SideCan you please ask the property owner to add the number of their address to the front entrance for 234 and 232 Lexington Ave. Thank you for your help.
Litter/Debris/GarbageĐược thừa nhậnLiberty Ave & Newark Ave Jersey City, NJ, 07306, USA - Journal SquareWhy are these barriers all over the sidewalk and street?
Merseles St Jersey City NJ 07302, United States - DowntownBike lane on Merseles street is obstructed by the concrete barrier Looks like a car hit it and pushed it into the bike lane
Ask a QuestionĐược thừa nhậnJohn F Kennedy Blvd & Newark Ave Jersey City, NJ, 07306, USA - Journal SquareWho is responsible for maintaining the memorial at Kennedy & Newark? The memorial has been in pretty poor condition and people seem to be parking on it / around it. It's such a shame that this is how we treat the memorials to our veterans.
Uneven Pavement/Resurfacing RequestĐược thừa nhận53–61 Greene St Jersey City NJ 07302, United States - The WaterfrontCar or truck crash into the fence, let's fix it :-) Thanks!
5 Herbert Pl Jersey City NJ 07306, United States - Journal SquareDespite certain inspectors, insisting that it is pedestrians, causing the problems with gates and sidewalk obstructions at this parking lot, here is the exact reason why these barriers go on the sidewalk. They are using these parts of the sidewalk as parking spots they need to be told that it is not a choice
5 Herbert Pl Jersey City NJ 07306, United States - Journal Square
Not enough that they painted lines on the sidewalk and came during the night to create a curb cut (that touches the fire hydrant)? Can they at least pretend to care and stop placing these barriers on the sidewalk, PLEASE
Park Equipment RepairĐược thừa nhận25 W Hamilton Pl Jersey City, NJ, 07302, USA - DowntownPlayground drinking fountain continually runs & leaks and causes algae, and now runs on to the new matting.