Litter PLUS
Open Issues: 102
Closed Issues: 18,249
Acknowledged Issues: 50
Litter/Debris/GarbageAcknowledged18 Liberty Ave Jersey City, New Jersey, 07306 - Journal Squarethe sidewalks surrounding the Pan Bar at the corner of van winkle and liberty are absolutely covered in cigarette butts.
Litter/Debris/GarbageAcknowledged44 Sherman Pl Jersey City NJ 07307, United States - The HeightsGarbage men took all three of my bins last night. Not sure why this happens every few months but I'd like all three replaced as they were all new.
Litter/Debris/GarbageAcknowledged224 Monticello Ave Jersey City 07304, United States - McGinley SquareWhen is “Monticello Triangle” expected to break ground? If not this summer, please do something about the litter and trash build up. It has been a dumping ground along the sidewalk and on the vacant lot for far too many years! Thank you.
627 Grand St Jersey City, New Jersey, 07304 - Bergen-LafayetteWeeds from this City-owned property are out of control and almost completely obstruct the sidewalk.
Litter/Debris/GarbageAcknowledged155 Van Wagenen Ave Jersey City NJ 07306, United States - Journal SquareThis block is an absolute mess
Litter/Debris/GarbageAcknowledged317 Terrace Ave Jersey City, NJ, 07307, USA - The Heights
Good morning,
First off, unfortunately i cannot add more photos to the image proof section that was prompted . I would be great to accommodate a bigger limit to show more media proof, of what’s going on.Topic : this is the last street of terrace avenue stretch and Leonard st ( heading the the exit ramp of secuacus rd)
Alot of debris, vandalism, gates destroyed , shrubs overgrown, negligence, overgrown trees, garbage thrown, pet stool, flooded corner, now we are witnessing unknown groups of people huddling late at night at the fire hydrant turn since it is very dark. JC used to have personal cut trees/ clean / maintain gates prior to COVID. This spot has been forgotten after COVID. This is a big worry. -
Litter/Debris/GarbageAcknowledged178-198 1st St Jersey City, NJ, 07302, USA - DowntownAcross the street from Henderson lumber Company
Litter/Debris/GarbageAcknowledged2-18 Senate Pl Jersey City, New Jersey, 07306 - Journal SquareParlay studios film crew left all of their trash all over the back side of mana
Litter/Debris/GarbageAcknowledged1 Mill Rd Jersey City, New Jersey, 07302 - McGinley SquareEast side of the street from Montgomery St . to Mercer St.
has become a garbage dumping ground. -
Litter/Debris/GarbageAcknowledged222 3rd St Jersey City, New Jersey, 07302 - DowntownDumped cat litter!
Litter/Debris/GarbageAcknowledged138 Essex St Jersey City, New Jersey, 07302 - DowntownEarlier this year I made a request to have Essex Street cleaned either monthly or quarterly. And though I was notified that a city department would monitor cleaning and the litter situation, I watched as the curbs became overrun with weeds and the trash accumulated to almost 3 inches next to the curb. This is not only an eyesore, but allowing trash to accumulate curbside leads to sewer drainage issues and public health threats. Today, I spent over an hour taking a first pass at cleaning up the section of the curb in front of my apartment at 138. Among other things, I found a hypodermic needle, shorts, 3 socks, a drill bit, broken bottles, cans and plastic bottles. I ran into two neighbors who wholeheartedly agreed that the city needs to address trash and other issues on Essex Street, which gets a short shrift when it comes to maintenance due to the Light Tail. Accordingly, I request a modest street cleaning schedule to be put in place - even quarterly would make a world of difference. We endure all of the many annoyances/inconveniences of the Light Rail, and we should not also be charged with maintaining the safety and cleanliness of the street. Thank you for addressing this issue — I know the neighborhood will be grateful for the cleanup!
Litter/Debris/GarbageAcknowledged52-116 Steuben St Jersey City, NJ, 07302, USA - The WaterfrontBags dumped mid block on north side of Steuben St between Washington and Warren Street.