Litter PLUS

Open Issues: 102 Closed Issues: 18,249 Acknowledged Issues: 50
  • 463-469 Communipaw Ave Jersey City, NJ, 07304, USA - Bergen-Lafayette
    This has been reported at least three times: vacant lot between entrance to Berry Lane Park and auto shop next door on Communipaw
  • 18 Liberty Ave Jersey City, New Jersey, 07306 - Journal Square
    the sidewalks surrounding the Pan Bar at the corner of van winkle and liberty are absolutely covered in cigarette butts.
  • John F Kennedy Blvd Jersey City, New Jersey, 07305 - West Side
    According to this resident, the property located behind her home at 24 Sycamore Rd. is supposedly, vacant land that's owned by the City of Jersey City. She said, there's been "Illegal Dumping on the property. There's also severe overgrowth and rodents back there. She claims, the conditions are affecting her property.
    **Also, she mentioned the Vacant Land is located behind the McDonald's restaurant off of
    W. 63rd St. by Bayonne.
  • 18th St Jersey City NJ 07310, United States - Downtown
    Corner of 18th Marin, in the grassy area near the tree there is garbage, debris and clothing I posted this photo over a week ago; that ticket was closed by sanitation or DPW with phrasing to the effect of
    " area has been inspected and we see no cause for concern at this time".
    I don’t understand why the ticket was closed as I have walked past this several times since then and the trash is still here. Please send someone to clean up..
  • 627 Grand St Jersey City, New Jersey, 07304 - Bergen-Lafayette
    Weeds from this City-owned property are out of control and almost completely obstruct the sidewalk.
  • 222 3rd St Jersey City, New Jersey, 07302 - Downtown
    Dumped cat litter!
  • Dick St Jersey City, New Jersey, 07306 - Journal Square
    dead end of dick st on school property dumped items
  • Holland St Jersey City, New Jersey, 07307 - The Heights
    A tent has been put up on Holland Street bringing unwanted garbage , unsanitary practices from the people living there.
  • 257 Grand St Jersey City, New Jersey, 07302 - Downtown

    A large bag of cement garbage was left on the sidewalk the day when the street construction team finish the new bike lane curb in the pictures. No one has came back to clean it after a few weeks. It’s accumulating more trash now.

    It’s next to 257 grand street, in front of the new building construction lot. I don’t think it’s has anything to do with them. It was from the new bike lane curb construction.

  • Welsh Ln Jersey City NJ 07304, United States - McGinley Square
    Abandoned shopping cart on Welsh lane
  • 254 Montgomery St Jersey City, NJ, 07302, USA - Downtown
  • 227-235 Coles St Jersey City, New Jersey, 07310 - Downtown
    Litter all over road and sidewalk at underpass.