Litter PLUS

Open Issues: 102 Closed Issues: 18,249 Acknowledged Issues: 50
  • 202-310 Magnolia Ave Jersey City, New Jersey, 07306 - Journal Square
    Disgusting this whole patch is full of 💩
  • 841 Bergen Ave Jersey City, NJ, 07306, USA - Journal Square
    Lamppost missing cover, filled with garbage
  • 127 Congress St Jersey City, New Jersey, 07307 - The Heights

    After a fire that occurred on 1/8, the owner and contractors proceeded to remove debris from the building and compile in the backyard. There has been no attempt yet to remove this debris.

    Is it possible to inform the owner to remove this?

  • 59 Clerk St Jersey City, New Jersey, 07305 - Greenville
    This property is yet again absolutely covered in trash on the side that abuts clerk and the side that abuts Myrtle. This is a constant issue with this property.
  • 615 Bramhall Ave Jersey City, New Jersey, 07304 - Bergen-Lafayette
    Another resident called to report the excessive trash on the sidewalk in front of this property.
  • 128 Glenwood Ave Jersey City, NJ, 07306, USA - McGinley Square
    Garbage has accumulated by fence
  • 159 Arlington Ave Jersey City, New Jersey, 07305 - Bergen-Lafayette
    Litter has been collecting in the tree bed in front of this property for weeks. Please have residents clean
  • 573-599 Monmouth St Jersey City, NJ, 07310, USA - Downtown
    This is the third time I've posted to have this picked up. It's a dumping ground here - it's awful. Why hasn't the city cleaned this up or summoned the owner who's responsible to clean it up?
  • 161 Liberty Ave Jersey City, New Jersey, 07306 - The Heights
    Around the corner of 161 Liberty Avenue is a Dead End Street. At the end of Spruce and Liberty Avenue there is garbage cans that is full and needs to be picked up/emptied. Please investigate.
  • 23–39 Congress St Jersey City 07307, United States - The Heights
    Abandoned car—3 weeks and counting. 4 flats tires. JCPD and Parking Endorcement have been notified. Car is sticking out in travel lane. Why isn’t it towed?
  • 66 Suburbia Ct Jersey City, New Jersey, 07305 - Greenville
    Trash that's been sitting on the sidewalk since last Sunday.
  • Franklin St & Hope St Jersey City, NJ, 07307, USA - The Heights
    This area is consistently covered in garbage and does not seem to get any attention for either JC or Hoboken.