Litter PLUS

Problèmes Ouverts: 105 Problèmes Clos: 18 252 Problèmes Pris en compte: 50
  • 71 Skillman Ave Jersey City NJ 07306, United States - The Heights
    Can DPW collect this abandoned cone that has been in the road for weeks.
  • 66 Suburbia Ct Jersey City, New Jersey, 07305 - Greenville
    Trash that's been sitting on the sidewalk since last Sunday.
  • 585 Central Ave Jersey City, NJ, 07307, USA - The Heights
    Dumped table in pieces and never picked up by garbage, been nearly a week
  • 202-310 Magnolia Ave Jersey City, New Jersey, 07306 - Journal Square
    Disgusting this whole patch is full of 💩
  • 23–39 Congress St Jersey City 07307, United States - The Heights
    Abandoned car—3 weeks and counting. 4 flats tires. JCPD and Parking Endorcement have been notified. Car is sticking out in travel lane. Why isn’t it towed?
  • 209 Ninth St Jersey City 07302, United States - Downtown
    This is the side of Cordero school on 9th st between Erie and Manila. Spilled trash on the sidewalk.
  • 17 Sherman Ave Jersey City 07307 United States - The Heights
    Backyard full of litter that is causing rodent issues in neighbors home.
  • 70-116 James Ave Jersey City, NJ, 07306, USA - Journal Square

    Location: 90 Duffield Avenue, Jersey City

    Issue: tall weeds and grass at sidewalks at fences that need to be cleaned.

    Issue: High amounts of trash underneath the bridge and sidewalks. Clean up needed.

  • 753–799 Summit Ave Jersey City 07307, United States - The Heights
    Trash along sidewalk on reservoir wall of summit from Jefferson to Pershing park. Can we get this cleaned up and make the sidewalks around the Reservoir a priority?
  • 161 Liberty Ave Jersey City, New Jersey, 07306 - The Heights
    Around the corner of 161 Liberty Avenue is a Dead End Street. At the end of Spruce and Liberty Avenue there is garbage cans that is full and needs to be picked up/emptied. Please investigate.
  • 573-599 Monmouth St Jersey City, NJ, 07310, USA - Downtown
    This is the third time I've posted to have this picked up. It's a dumping ground here - it's awful. Why hasn't the city cleaned this up or summoned the owner who's responsible to clean it up?
  • 121 Duffield Ave Jersey City, New Jersey, 07306 - Jersey City

    Location: 121 Duffield Avenue

    Location: Behind business of 438 Saint Paul's Avenue

    Issue: 121 Duffield Avenue very dirty under the bridge and both sidewalks need cleaning. This area is very dirty and needs cleaning.

    Issue: Behind the business of 438 Saint Paul's Avenue the bridge area is very dirty on both sides of the sidewalk. Trash needs to be removed and street cleaning needed.