Sidewalk Concern PLUS

Open Issues: 65 Closed Issues: 3,576 Acknowledged Issues: 86
  • Sidewalk DefectAcknowledged
    87 Audubon Ave Jersey City, New Jersey, 07305 - Greenville
    broken sidewalk tripping hazard
  • 696–698 W Side Ave Jersey City NJ 07304, United States - West Side
    Trash can damaged and should be reattached / fixed/ replaced.
  • 780 Newark Ave Jersey City NJ 07306, United States - Journal Square
    It's starting! They are unloading now and crap is already on the sidewalk
  • 777 Newark Ave Jersey City, New Jersey, 07306 - Journal Square
    I was walking today on the street with my baby on stroller and today the sidewalk was blocked with a business sign that’s been locked on the street sign. Please take necessary action and remove it.
  • 278 Magnolia Ave Jersey City, NJ, 07306, USA - Journal Square

    There is no SeeClickFix category for Street Obstructionm, so I used Sidewalk Obstruction.

    I already spoke with people at the Office of Code Compliance. They will send someone to investigate.

    A small triangle of land next to the condominium apartment building at 278 Magnolia was recently acquired by the Jersey City Redevelopment Agency (JCRA). This is part of the Loew’s restoration project and will eventually allow tractor trailers to back up to a future loading dock at the rear of the theater.

    The original traffic permit P-TP-240618163137612 was for three parking spaces in front of 278-282 Magnolia to facilitate demolition of a fence and short wall. The original permit was for 24 June to 13 July. It was later extended for two more weeks and expired last weekend.

    That work was completed on 26 June. During that time no barricades or fencing were erected and pedestrians were able to use the pedestrian walkway and safely walk around the dumpsters and the work site. NO other visible work has been done in that area since then.

    On 27 June, AFTER the work was completed, the ENTIRE end of Magnolia Ave. was fenced off, including the parking garage entrance and the pedestrian walkway.

    The pedestrian walkway between Magnolia and Pavonia was closed until 1 July, after the fencing was changed to allow pedestrian traffic around the small plot next to 278 Magnolia.

    More than 200 feet of construction fencing was erected to construct a roundabout narrow walkway around the end of Magnolia near the Loew's theater and to enclose a large area that has ONLY been used for parking a Phelps Construction pickup truck and cars.

    This fencing restricts pedestrian and vehicle access to the buildings on both sides of the Magnolia St. dead end.

    The construction fencing blocking the end of Magnolia was NEVER needed and SHOULD BE REMOVED!

  • 705 Jersey Ave Jersey City, NJ, 07302, USA - Downtown
    Tesla cord running over a very busy sidewalk Cord running from 705 Jersey Ave to car parked on street
  • 663 Newark Ave Jersey City, New Jersey, 07306 - Journal Square
    planter broken, fell over, someone picked it back up but it will fall again and obstruct the sidewalk again. this building is clearly abandonned and not maintained. the glass on the door is broken. garbage accumulates in front. horrible conditions.
  • Lincoln High School Freshman Academy - Bergen-Lafayette
    Somebody plowed mud onto the sidewalk for some bizarre reason, this isblocking the sidewalk.
  • Dont Have Location Jersey City, NJ 07306, USA - Journal Square
    Someone has moved the planter on the corner of Saint Pauls Ave and Liberty Ave and now it's blocking the crosswalk.
  • 116 Newark Ave Jersey City NJ 07302, United States - Downtown
    Steel beams on sidewalk on Morgan Street behind d pizzeria
  • 116 Coles St Jersey City, New Jersey, 07302 - Downtown
    These branches and garbage have been here since last August.
  • 5 Herbert Pl Jersey City NJ 07306, United States - Journal Square