Streets PLUS
Solicitações em aberto: 42
Questões Encerradas: 7.660
Solicitações Reconhecidas: 375
GraffitiReconhecida39 Cornelison Ave Jersey City, NJ, 07304, USA - McGinley SquareThe curbs have been illigally painted yellow on cornelison ave and parts of state street. Causing unneccesary parkig tickets and court cases to dispute them. Also the double yellow lines at Cornelison and Fairmount Avess> need to be properly centered to allow for the parked vehicles at that corner.
General Park Maintenance RequestReconhecida91 Duncan Ave Jersey City, NJ, 07306, USA - West SideGraffiti on the Park sign attached to the western most gate.
GraffitiReconhecida40.71158 -74.03544 - The WaterfrontJewish / Palestinian graffiti in a park overlooking Manhattan. Please remove.
GraffitiReconhecida69 Wayne St Jersey City, NJ, 07302, USA - Downtown
After new sidewalk slabs were poured and graded the week of 12/4-8/2023, someone defaced 3 slabs on Wayne Street between Barrow Street and Grove Street with "All Cops are B_stards" at 69 1/2 Wayne St and "ACAB" on two more slabs east of that location.
Residents shouldn't have to suffer through seeing our public infrastructure defaced with cursing, for children to be exposed to curses and for the public to have to be greeted with such ugliness. Please correct these three slabs, thank you!
Neighborhood Improvement: GraffitiReconhecida123 New York Ave Jersey City NJ 07307, United States - The HeightsRidiculously large tag on this persons house
GraffitiReconhecida182 Hopkins Ave Jersey City NJ 07306, United States - The HeightsGraffiti all over building
Neighborhood Improvement: GraffitiReconhecida15 Exchange Pl Jersey City NJ 07302, United States - The WaterfrontOne piece of art installation has seriously deformed surface, please see the picture. Can it be replaced? Thank you!
GraffitiReconhecidaNew York Ave & Ravine Ave Jersey City, NJ, 07307, USA - The HeightsSorry for the vulgar picture but this is what everyone is seeing as they walk down New York Ave towards Hoboken. Please neatly clean or paint over the vulgarity without destroying the mural. all of the walls in this area are now graffitied.
GraffitiReconhecida91-113 Woodward St Jersey City, NJ, 07304, USA - Bergen-LafayetteGraffiti is STILL here nearly a year later. I believe someone posted this August 2023.