Streets PLUS

Solicitações em aberto: 35 Questões Encerradas: 7.468 Solicitações Reconhecidas: 362
  • Lexington Ave & W Side Ave Jersey City, NJ, 07304, USA - West Side
    Delineators need to be replaced, they were knocked down by vehicles and trucks ignoring their purpose for being there.
  • Bartholdi Ave & Romar Ave Jersey City, NJ, 07305, USA - Greenville
    Intersection is unsafe for pedestrians and cross traffic due to encroachment of cars and removal of barriers. This morning all four sides completely blocked.
  • Harrison Ave & John F Kennedy Blvd Jersey City, NJ, 07304, USA - West Side
    This resident is requesting "Delineators be installed at the corner of Harrison Ave. & Kennedy Blvd." This woman claims that she has a Reserved Handicap Parking Space near that corner and vehicles always park where the curb is painted yellow. Her parking space is actually the last legal parking space near that corner. She said, a neighbor actually damaged her car by trying to park where the curb is painted yellow. That is a prohibited and Delineators needs to be installed to prevent vehicles from parking in that space.
  • Bentley Ave & Bergen Ave Jersey City, NJ, 07304, USA - McGinley Square
    UPS truck crushed and ripped the delineator pole out of place.
  • Monticello Ave & Storms Ave Jersey City, NJ, 07306, USA - McGinley Square
    A few weeks ago most of the bollards were installed at this intersection, but not on the west side of Monticello because there were illegally parked cars. No one has come back to finish the installation so I am requesting they do so. In the photo there are two cars illegally parked where there should be bollards and we need two more yellow bollards in the center pedestrian island.
  • 450-464 Newark Ave Jersey City, NJ, 07306, USA - Journal Square
    These bike lane delineators have become loose (I actually straightened them just yesterday) over time from cars hitting them, making these already kind small lanes all the more tight. I think they need to be rebolted or something? Thought I'd share!
  • 9th St Jersey City, New Jersey, 07302 - Downtown
    9th St. and Monmouth Avenue on the 3 corners the delineator cones are broken and flat on the ground. Concern someone will get hurt. Nursing Home (Alaris) in the area. Please investigate.
  • 437 Palisade Ave Jersey City, NJ, 07307, USA - The Heights
  • 322 Webster Ave Jersey City NJ 07307, United States - The Heights
    Requesting curb extensions on Webster at Congress Drivers frequently park too close to the curb obstructing visibility Drivers also frequently disregard "no right on r"ed
  • Grand St At Prior St Jersey City, NJ 07304, USA - Bergen-Lafayette
    jersey barrier blocking part of bike lane on Grand at Prior
  • Manhattan Ave & Montrose Ave Jersey City, NJ, 07307, USA - The Heights
    Six broken and/or missing delineators at this busy dangerous intersection
  • 146 Kensington Ave Jersey City NJ 07304, United States - West Side
    West side n gautier delineator's were removed on both ends of crosswalk