Trees PIU
Problemi aperti: 16
Problemi chiusi: 3.091
Problemi presi in atto: 667
Illegal Tree RemovalRiconosciuto383 Halladay St Jersey City, New Jersey, 07304 - Bergen-LafayetteNearly every tree on this block has been pruned but this tree was destroyed. Every single branch has been cut off. This is a horribly disturbing sight. A perfectly healthy tree no longer able to provide much needed shade and shelter for wildlife.
Illegal Tree RemovalRiconosciuto14 Liberty Ave Jersey City NJ 07306, United States - Journal SquareThis tree was clearly intentionally vandalized to the point where it will die. This is a huge issue for this area. We need the city to address this. On this same property 4 other trees were also intentionally destroyed. Another tree was also intentionally destroyed on this road just a few houses away. This behavior is going to continue because to date there are no consequences for these actions.
Illegal Tree RemovalRiconosciuto17 Liberty Ave Jersey City NJ 07306, United States - Journal SquareAnother tree vandalism incident on Liberty Ave
Illegal Tree RemovalRiconosciuto729 Bergen Ave Jersey City, NJ, 07306, USA - McGinley SquareOn June 6 I reported that concrete had been poured over a tree bed and roots. The issue is listed as closed but as of June 27 only part of the concrete has been removed