
开放式问题: 15 已解决的问题: 3,090 已确认的问题: 667
  • 245 Van Vorst St Jersey City, NJ, 07302, USA - Downtown
    A constituent is requesting tree trimming on this block.
  • 128 Mercer St Jersey City, New Jersey, 07302 - Downtown
    Branches overhanging electrical wires and private property.
  • 43a Romaine Ave Jersey City NJ 07306, United States - Journal Square
    According to a neighbor this tree needs trimming It's in the wires and coming towards the house
  • 10 Gautier Ave Jersey City 07306, United States - West Side
    Curbside tree on my property needs to be pruned back.
  • 501 Manila Ave Jersey City, New Jersey, 07302 - Downtown
    When tree blooms -it's lifting my shingles on side of house. I reported this is Oct 5, 2023, final response in Dec 2023 was to report to Forestry dept-site directed me back to SeeClickFix. Don't see option to add 2nd photo, but if you refer to original submission-tree lifting shingles is visible. There are several trees at this site that have gotten very big with branches now over parking lot. If fell-dangerous.
  • 300 Newark Ave Jersey City, NJ, 07302, USA - Downtown
    Trees are so low I can't walk on the sidewalk
  • 119 Grace St Jersey City, New Jersey, 07307 - The Heights
    Resident states there are overgrown tree branches that need to be trimmed.
  • 210 Webster Ave Jersey City, New Jersey, 07307 - The Heights

    The three branches extend over driveway and close to roof at house at 210 Webster Ave

    Please ring doorbell at house and we can move the cars

  • 184 Columbia Ave Jersey City, New Jersey, 07307 - The Heights
    This constituent is requesting the trimming of "potenatially dangerous tree branches from tree in front of 184 Columbia Ave." Caller claims, the branches are pulling on the electric and utilites wires and could cause the electricity to be disconnected by those tree branches.
  • 27 Ravine Ave Jersey City, New Jersey, 07307 - The Heights

    Good Morning,

    In front our our house we have a large tree that has branches that are now draping over our driveway/garage and is scraping the top of our cars as we back out. Can you please come out and prune this tree when you have some availability?

    Thank you !

    Matt Zabloudil

  • 300 Third St Jersey City 07302, United States - Downtown
    Tree pruning was canceled twice due to bad weather. Will pruning occur prior to winter?
  • 37 Cliff St Jersey City, NJ 07306, USA - The Heights
    The trees require urgent pruning. It's affecting the electrical wires