Trees 加
开放式问题: 15
已解决的问题: 3,090
已确认的问题: 667
138 Lake St Jersey City, NJ, 07306, USA - The HeightsSeveral branches have been falling off the 4 trees at the corner of Lake St and Liberty Ave. The trees likely need to be pruned for maintenance purposes and to ensure the safety of pedestrians.
157 South St Jersey City NJ 07307, United States - The HeightsThe tree in front of our house needs to be pruned. We've lived here since 2017 and it's never been pruned so it’s been a while. Thank you.
62 Storms Ave Jersey City, NJ, 07306, USA - McGinley SquareIt looks hollowed out and cracking I've never noticed before. I park under this tree regularly so it made me nervous.
105 Romaine Ave Jersey City, New Jersey, 07306 - Journal SquareThe resident is requesting the trimming of this tree.
201 Halladay St Jersey City, NJ, 07304, USA - Bergen-LafayetteTree located on Bramhall Ave at Halladay but part of 201 Halladay as it is a corner lot. Tree / weeds are overgrown going into sideway affecting parking and planter of tree (weed) is an eye sore
245 Sherman Ave Jersey City NJ 07307, United States - The HeightsBottom branch needs to be cut off It's in your face when you walk by
300 Ogden Ave Jersey City NJ 07307, United States - The HeightsLower sidewalk tree & shrub pruning request Starting to get obstructed in certain sections
313 2nd St Jersey City, NJ 07302, USA - DowntownTree in front of 313 2nd is scratching building facade and pulling down coax cables to adjacent building
501 Manila Ave Jersey City, New Jersey, 07302 - DowntownWhen tree blooms -it's lifting my shingles on side of house. I reported this is Oct 5, 2023, final response in Dec 2023 was to report to Forestry dept-site directed me back to SeeClickFix. Don't see option to add 2nd photo, but if you refer to original submission-tree lifting shingles is visible. There are several trees at this site that have gotten very big with branches now over parking lot. If fell-dangerous.
126 Neptune Ave Jersey City NJ 07305, United States - Greenvilletree branches are scratching window
124 Ruby Brown Pl Jersey City, NJ 07305, USA - GreenvilleTruck backed into the tree causing a large branch to crack. Needs to be cut down. Has smaller branches that can cause eye injuries.