Traffic PLUS

Open Issues: 32 Closed Issues: 4.005 Αναγνωρισμένα Θέματα: 960
  • Speed Hump RequestΑναγνωρισμένο
    3rd St & Manila Ave Jersey City, NJ, 07302, USA - Downtown

    Cars do not stop for pedestrians on the zebra crossing.
    There is a school nearby, and many kids do cross the road.

    Stop signs and speed bumps were installed on Erie street. Manilla remains a no limit highway!

  • Town Square Pl & Washington Blvd Jersey City, NJ, 07310, USA - The Waterfront
    This intersection is especially dangerous in both directions for multiple reasons. We've come dangerously close to hitting pedestrians and being sideswiped by other drivers on numerous occasions. The pedestrian crossing from the mall to the PATH is on a diagonal, meaning that pedestrians cross along a very long area but with little respite in the median due to the large exhaust tower and tall grasses in the way; they're often walking along the curb or running out quickly in front of drivers since they have nowhere else to go. What's more is that there are cars stopping suddenly on both sides of the street to pickup/drop off passengers. Finally, the exhaust tower and grasses are super dangerous for driver sight lines when driving south, and for pedestrians attempting to cross from the median toward the mall. I go through this intersection very slowly and still have to frequently slam on my brakes or veer quickly into the other lane.
  • Pedestrian Safety Study RequestΑναγνωρισμένο
    7th St & Manila Ave Jersey City, NJ, 07302, USA - Downtown
    Delivery trucks for the police department park on the sidewalk because we don’t have proper loading zones. Having huge trucks driving on the sidewalk is obviously a massive safety risk for pedestrians.
  • Pedestrian Safety RequestΑναγνωρισμένο
    Arlington Ave & Claremont Ave Jersey City, NJ, 07305, USA - Bergen-Lafayette
    Could we have an office at this intersection on weekday mornings? I nearly got hit crossing at the crosswalk this morning by someone running the stop sign. This is not the first time I've nearly been hit, and every single morning on my commute I see multiple people run these stop signs while people are trying to cross with young kids on their way to school. People speed down Arlington despite the speed bumps and it's getting out of hand!!
  • Pedestrian Safety Study RequestΑναγνωρισμένο
    371 2nd St Jersey City, NJ 07302, USA - Downtown
    Drivers are consistently driving down 2nd Street at dangerous speeds and ignoring the Stop sign.
  • Pedestrian Safety Study RequestΑναγνωρισμένο
    Pearl St & Washington St Jersey City, NJ, 07302, USA - The Waterfront
    Can we have pedestrian crossing warning lights added here?
  • Speed Hump RequestΑναγνωρισμένο
    Skillman Ave & Van Winkle Ave Jersey City, NJ, 07306, USA - Journal Square
    Requesting a speed bump or a stop sign at this pedestrian heavy crossings on Van Winkle and Skillman Ave. Cars speed up this hill just to beat the signal and reach JFK Blvd. There have been multiple instances of pedestrians almost getting run over.
  • Pedestrian Safety Study RequestΑναγνωρισμένο
    Highland Ave & Van Reypen St Jersey City, NJ, 07306, USA - Journal Square
    Constituent request to have permanent Pylons installed on the corner of 52 Highland and Van Reypen Avenue.
  • Pedestrian Safety Study RequestΑναγνωρισμένο
    85 Merseles St Jersey City NJ 07302, United States - Downtown
    Cars driving in the BIKE lane making right turns VERY DANGEROUS. Please fix or add cones so cars don’t drive in the bike lane to make right turn onto Montgomery ! This has been reported prior and haven't accidents have occurred .!
  • 17th St & Jersey Ave Jersey City, NJ, 07310, USA - Downtown
    Picture attached show la vehicle totaled after driver crossed double yellow as explained above
  • Palisade Ave & Reservoir Ave Jersey City, NJ, 07307, USA - The Heights
    Cars park too close to corner. Bumpout Needed
  • Pedestrian Safety Study RequestΑναγνωρισμένο
    Bowers St & Summit Ave Jersey City, NJ, 07307, USA - The Heights
    I have been almost hit by two different vehicles (and then verbally assaulted by the drivers) while walking along summit and crossing bowers with a walk signal (east side of the intersection). The drivers clearly believe they have the right of way at this intersection despite the walk signal. Can you install a Yield to Pedestrians sign or make the pedestrian right of way more obvious?