Traffic PLUS

Open Issues: 38 Closed Issues: 4.072 Αναγνωρισμένα Θέματα: 949
  • LightingΑναγνωρισμένο
    1-199 Mountain Rd Jersey City, NJ, 07307, USA - The Heights
    We need lights on Mountain Rd. I have posted in the past about how this area is a magnet for illicit activity since it is dark, unpaved and overgrown. I have encountered drug use, public urination & defication as well as people engaged in sexual activity. You name it, it goes on back here. It is unsettling and unacceptable. Maybe now that the mayor lives on the block we can get some attention to this problem? It does not seem right that you can have an address on a street but no way to get simple safety measures put in place like a streetlight. The only light back here comes from floodlights that owners pay for out of their own pockets. Please give this matter the attention it deserves.
  • ConstructionΑναγνωρισμένο
    26 Howard Pl Jersey City 07306, United States - McGinley Square
    Request to remove unused decaying utility pole it’s on Ingwerson Pl at the back of 26 Howard Pl.
  • LightingΑναγνωρισμένο
    302 Thomas Mcgovern Dr Jersey City, NJ 07305, USA - Liberty Park
    street light out
  • Sidewalk ObstructionΑναγνωρισμένο
    563-577 Manila Ave Jersey City, New Jersey, 07310 - Downtown
    a street lamp has been lying across the sidewalk for days, leaving glass from the lamp portion all over the sidewalk.