Traffic PLUS

Open Issues: 43 Closed Issues: 4,088 Acknowledged Issues: 958
  • Hancock Ave & South St Jersey City, NJ, 07307, USA - The Heights
    Crosswalks on South Street School Zone. South/Hancock & South/Sherman crosswalks are being blocked by parents cars.
  • 69 Montgomery St Jersey City 07302, United States - The Waterfront
    USPS trucks enter and exit this driveway off of and onto Montgomery. Visibility of trucks exiting onto Montgomery when walking west on the sidewalk is nearly zero for pedestrians. Additionally, visibility for egressing trucks is equally as bad and observed trucks typically do not stop before moving over the sidewalk. This is a safety concern for pedestrians and USPS employees alike. There should be some additional signaling (e.g. flashing lights, sound emitting device, etc…) to indicate that a truck is exiting. This area has high foot traffic including small children and pets. This should be addressed before someone gets seriously injured or worse.
  • 2nd St & Monmouth St Jersey City, NJ, 07302, USA - Downtown
    Drivers disregarding red light at corner of 2nd and Monmouth. Driving straight through the red light ostensibly because the light 20 yards further at Newark Ave stays green longer to allow traffic in box to clear. Police presence and study is required ASAP as drivers run red against pedestrians almost every time. This is a dangerous situation as this is a major crossing for children walking to PS5 and other schools/daycares nearby.
  • 2nd St & Washington Blvd Jersey City, NJ, 07302, USA - The Waterfront
    The traffic light on Washington at the Light Rail lasts much too long even when no train is coming. It's a single lane due to construction and cars and buses will then be stuck in the middle of the intersection of Washington, 2nd street, and Greene. It becomes a serious problem when fire trucks need to hurry forward. Because of the red light, no one moves even when the fire trucks use their sirens. And there's no possibility of moving aside to let the fire trucks or emergency vehicles to more forward. Please consider shortening the time the red light stops traffic.
  • 360 Mercer St Jersey City, NJ, 07302, USA - Downtown
    This area is seeing increased pedestrian activity, but also heavy traffic hours and therefore should be concerned for a safety study
  • 245 8th St Jersey City, NJ 07302, USA - Downtown
    Curb extension or some other delineator is needed at this crosswalk. Parking in the crosswalk is a constant issue despite it being technically illegal. This corner is adjacent to a park, an elementary school, and a bunch of storefronts - safety should be a bigger priority.
  • 146-158 Lafayette St Jersey City, NJ, 07304, USA - Bergen-Lafayette
    Vehicles come out of housing complex at 160 Lafayette at a high rate of speed. And it is very dangerous for people crossing back and forth from park
  • Wilkinson Ave & Garfield Ave Jersey City, New Jersey, 07305 - Greenville
    Resident states that there are many occasions when vehicles are blocking the intersection, causing a blind spot to the oncoming cars. They would like for a study to be done so that this area can be safe.
  • Speed Hump RequestAcknowledged
    Garfield Ave & Myrtle Ave Jersey City, NJ, 07305, USA - Bergen-Lafayette
    This is at least the 9th car that has been hit by someone speeding or drunk etc. on Garfield this year that I've heard from my place (only the ones I heard, so add about 10-20% more). Before there were 2 accidents in 1 month that totaled or damaged 6 cars (ridiculous). This one felt like the back end of a garbage truck fell off, but it was a Jeep careening up over the sidewalk into someone's front lawn and crashing into their fence or side of house, probably going 40mph in a 25mph. Apparently, speed bumps are not an option due to emergency routes. SO WHAT ARE THE OPTIONS PLEASE?? CAN CAMERAS BE INSTALLED AT LEAST OR A HALF ROUND ABOUT OR BOTH? I'm tired of this roulette of parking.
  • Summit Ave & Vroom St Jersey City, NJ, 07306, USA - Journal Square
    Pedestrian struck crossing NE to NW corner of Summit and Vroom in the evening. Driver was turning North from Vroom onto Summit. Visibility of pedestrians in crosswalk needs to be improved. Request the implementation of flashing beacons at pedestrian crossing to use when crossing guard not positioned.
  • 270 Johnston Ave Jersey City, New Jersey, 07304 - Bergen-Lafayette
    There are traffic lights but we urgently need crosswalk in this area now that Atlas building is open and occupied.
  • Delineator issuesAcknowledged
    Bentley Ave & Bergen Ave Jersey City, NJ, 07304, USA - McGinley Square
    request delineators at the southwest corner of Bergen avenue at Bentley avenue - between corner and crosswalk Parked vehicles dangerously obscure the pedestrian crossing from the oncoming vehicles.