Traffic PLUS

Open Issues: 37 Closed Issues: 4,017 Acknowledged Issues: 960
  • 86 Nelson Ave Jersey City 07307, United States - The Heights
    This has been an ongoing issue for years with no resolution. Every morning parents park in a dangerous fashion that leaves it next to impossible to see other cars and pedestrians. They park over the delineators, double park and in general, block the flow of traffic. An officer needs to be stations here every morning issuing tickets before a child is hit by a car.
  • Whitman Ave Jersey City, New Jersey, 07306 - Journal Square
    Request for Parking Lines to be Striped. Residents are taking over multiple spots, parking into Sidewalks. Can the Parallel parking lines be striped as soon as possible.
  • Congress St Jersey City, New Jersey, 07307 - The Heights
    Caller said on Congress st and New York ave all Delineators are gone, only the base are left his concern is a car going over them.
  • Communipaw Ave Jersey City, NJ, 07304, USA - Hackensack Riverfront
    The east bound road markings are so faded it is hard to know how to stay in lane properly and safely as you travel towards Communipaw Ave. Especially as it is getting darker sooner, and when there is bad weather--this becomes a dangerous stretch of road. Please re mark the lanes. Thank you.
  • Mallory Ave & Williams Ave Jersey City, New Jersey, 07304 - West Side
    Constituent says the newly painted street lines were not properly dried off and has now been smeared by passing cars which needs to be repainted
  • Sidewalk DefectAcknowledged
    140-150 Dudley St Jersey City, NJ, 07302, USA - Downtown
    Can the city please repaint the curb yellow/red in the signed fire zone to discourage illegal parking. There are multiple cars illegally parked every single day in the fire zone with no enforcement.
  • 115 Sterling Ave Jersey City, NJ 07305, USA - Greenville
    Recommending yellow lines from McAdoo Ave. to Fulton Ave. Double or dotted.
  • Mile 63.8 I- 78 Jersey City, NJ, 07305, USA - Liberty Park
    Where Bayview ave connects to Caven Point Road, Bayview should be marked as 3 lanes. One westbound from the intersection, for traffic from Caven Point Road, left turn. One as a right turn only from Bayview to Caven PR. And a center lant to go strait from Bayview to Morris Pessin Drive and the traffic circle. Many locals sort themselves out on Bayview, left and right of the lane so drivers can turn right on the red, but having the lane markings set up this way would make things saner.
  • 73 Bowers St Jersey City 07307, United States - The Heights
    Missing flex post (corner of Sherman and bowers)
  • 101-145 Carbon Pl Jersey City, NJ, 07305, USA - West Side
    The double yellow lines are missing and people are driving on the wrong side of the street making a very hazardous situation for other pedestrians and motorists.
  • Ask a QuestionAcknowledged
    Glenwood Ave & West Side Ave Jersey City, NJ, 07306, USA - West Side
    I want to request if you can check this street Glenwood Ave and westside Ave., if your coming to Glenwood Ave., will be on your left side. Everytime I will turn left to Westside ave. And there's a car park there especially big car or truck. Its like a blind sided you need to move slowly to see if there's a car coming to be able to get a left turn, I do have a compact car and it's hard for me to see the coming car. Maybe you can put those white thing or any sign that said no parking on that lane, so that it will be easy for motorist to see on the left side of westside Ave. Coming to Glenwood Ave. Hoping someone can check this please, before something happen like accident.
  • 2nd St & Merseles St Jersey City, NJ, 07302, USA - Downtown
    red Fire Department emblem missing
    please paint red emblem to replace the old yellow emblem