Traffic PIU

Problemi aperti: 36 Problemi chiusi: 4.088 Problemi presi in atto: 958
  • Speed Hump RequestRiconosciuto
    115–199 Marin Blvd Jersey City 07302, United States - Downtown
    Hello. People speed down the road. I think you should add a stop sign. This is between 18 park and the vantage towards the water
  • Bay St & Greene St Jersey City, NJ, 07302, USA - The Waterfront

    The pedestrian crossing at Bay St/Greene St is already incredibly dangerous, drivers fly down Greene St with no respect for pedestrians.

    Recently a warning sign for drivers to slow down was placed in the crossing. Is it possible for this to be fixed to the road surface? When it is in the middle of the road, it does have some impact in forcing drivers to slow down but it is frequently knocked and moved around on the road.

    I see near-misses between cars and pedestrians on this crossing nearly every day. Can something permanent be installed at the crossing to slow down the traffic - lane narrowing, etc.?

  • Coles St & I-78 W Jersey City, NJ, 07310, USA - Downtown
    Here is where I might die. More development means more pedestrians on Coles under that overpass thingy by Moishe's. Total blind left curve for drivers turning off Coles into the little street connecting to the tunnel entrances. Dark under there. Even if we had a little push light to do the flashing pedestrian warning.
  • 68-80 Sip Ave Jersey City, NJ, 07306, USA - Journal Square
    There is a signalized intersection on Sip Avenue at the access road to the Journal Square Bus Station. The crosswalk at the western side of the intersection across Sip Avenue is missing. In addition, there is a temporary ramp up to the curb made of asphalt, but it is frequently blocked by parked vehicles. This is one of the main areas of pedestrian access to the bus terminal, and is busy with pedestrian traffic. As a crosswalk is missing and pedestrians frequently need to enter the street around parked cars, it feels very unsafe crossing here, like an accident waiting to happen. At a minimum, the crosswalk should be repainted, and the curb access should be restricted so that cars do not park blocking the crosswalk and ramp.
  • 225 Newark Ave Jersey City 07302, United States - Downtown
    We need curb extensions at every intersection along our major commercial streets otherwise every crosswalk just ends up illegal parking.
  • Cottage St & Herbert Pl Jersey City, NJ, 07306, USA - Journal Square
    Can we get a crosswalk on cottage. Lots of cars racing around the corner trying to avoid traffic.
  • Sip Ave At Garrison Ave Jersey City, NJ 07306, USA - Journal Square

    There are two crosswalks here, and Sip is a busy road. People are constantly speeding down the hill from JFK and almost hitting people in the crosswalk

    Is there any sort of traffic calming that can be added here?

  • Old Bergen Rd At Winfield Ave Jersey City, NJ 07305, USA - Greenville
    The intersection of Winfield and Old Bergen Rd. desperately needs stop signs, a traffic signal, or a speed bump. Cars speed dangerously down Old Bergen Rd at all hours as the entire stretch from Merritt St to Bartholdi has no traffic signals, stop signs, speed bumps, etc. The Winfield intersection is particularly vulnerable as residents, including children and those with pets, trying to cross into or out of Columbia Park face very dangerous conditions. These conditions also include cars turning left on to Old Bergen Rd. from Bartholdi when those cars catch the green light. Knowing there's no stop sign or speed bump there, cars turn left on to Old Bergen Rd at or above the speed limit with low visibility. if you're a pedestrian crossing Old Bergen Rd those left-turning cars are an additional hazard that are not visible and can't be anticipated.
  • 96 Storms Ave Jersey City, NJ, 07306, USA - McGinley Square
    I witnessed this grey SUV running over the "no parking" bollards to illegally park. I request a denser installation of bollards or a different more durable bollard at the intersection of Storms and Monticello.
  • Grand St & Van Vorst St Jersey City, NJ, 07302, USA - Downtown
    Between Grand St and Sussex on Van Vorst should NOT be parking. Constantly blocking tight two-way street.
  • North St & Nelson Ave Jersey City, NJ, 07307, USA - The Heights

    North St & Nelson Ave (Western Slope)
    Is it possible if the traffic department can adopt "Leading Pedestrian Interval" due to school zone area?

    A "Leading Pedestrian Interval", which allows pedestrians a head start of a few seconds to cross without any cars moving at all (all signals turn red at the same time).

  • Newark Ave & Waldo Ave Jersey City, NJ, 07306, USA - Journal Square
    Is there anyway a stop light can be put on that intersection of Waldo and Newark Ave Because that left turn sign doesn't seem to have drivers proper attention and they still continue to make the left turns anyways especially during school hours Not only it’s unsafe for the school zone but for the children on lunch or dismissal times