Traffic PLUS
Gardner Ave & Summit Ave Jersey City, NJ, 07304, USA - McGinley SquareThe intersection of Gardner and Summit continues to be a safety issue. There was just another fender bender today. People coming out of Gardner cannot clearly see traffic coming from the north. Something needs to be improved immediately.
1st St & Erie St Jersey City, NJ, 07302, USA - Downtown
Need daylighting/curb extensions at every corner, but especially those with businesses on them. Delivery drivers and people doing pickup treat the crosswalk as a loading zone.
Maybe just put actual loading zones around too.
Marin Blvd & Morgan St Jersey City, NJ, 07302, USA - Downtown
Traffic on Columbus and Marin is a headache and a hazard during rush hour and now with all the construction on Marin its becoming a nightmare.
Have you thought about
1. directing cars coming onto Morgan street between Marin and Newark to Newark Avenue
2. directing cars coming onto Morgan street between Marin and Warren to Warren Street.
3. By doing this you can remove the light on Marin/Morgan which will eliminate the backup on Columbusjust a thought
9th St & Marin Blvd Jersey City, NJ, 07302, USA - Downtown
Hi! There's a new traffic pattern at 9th St. and Manila Ave. Tonight, walking across Manila on a GREEN pedestrian light, I noticed that traffic turning right onto Manilla from 9th Street ALSO has a green at the same time. Cars understandably seem a little peeved having to stop as I walk across, but we both have a green light.
It seems like there is potential for a car to continue through on the green without stopping and hitting a pedestrian who is crossing Manilla on their (simultaneous) green. Please see my image taken Feb 3rd to get an idea.
Since it's a revamped intersection, I figured it's worth flagging ASAP since it's not very safe. There is no obvious indication or flashing "yield to pedestrian" light here for cars who are driving legally through a green light. Thanks for checking this out.
68-80 Sip Ave Jersey City, NJ, 07306, USA - Journal SquareThere is a signalized intersection on Sip Avenue at the access road to the Journal Square Bus Station. The crosswalk at the western side of the intersection across Sip Avenue is missing. In addition, there is a temporary ramp up to the curb made of asphalt, but it is frequently blocked by parked vehicles. This is one of the main areas of pedestrian access to the bus terminal, and is busy with pedestrian traffic. As a crosswalk is missing and pedestrians frequently need to enter the street around parked cars, it feels very unsafe crossing here, like an accident waiting to happen. At a minimum, the crosswalk should be repainted, and the curb access should be restricted so that cars do not park blocking the crosswalk and ramp.
Speed Hump RequestADIは、115–199 Marin Blvd Jersey City 07302, United States - DowntownHello. People speed down the road. I think you should add a stop sign. This is between 18 park and the vantage towards the water
Magnolia Ave & Summit Ave Jersey City, NJ, 07306, USA - Journal SquarePeople continue to park in the limited pedestrian areas along the JSQ buildings forcing people to weave between idling trucks/cars or walk into traffic. This issue has been raised multiple times. Enough is enough -- there are so many actual parking lots in the area so there is no reason for this egregious behavior. The city needs to hold these drivers or the developers accountable.
Tonnele Ave & Van Winkle Ave Jersey City, NJ, 07306, USA - Journal SquarePedestrians do not feel safe crossing over Tonnelle at Van Winkle.
Academy St & Baldwin Ave Jersey City, NJ, 07302, USA - Journal SquareHello, this intersection is extremely hectic during rush hour. Cars are consistently attempting to beat the short turning signals so it's difficult to cross the street without multiple cars honking horns for pedestrians to get out of the way. I'm reporting this intersection in an effort to prevent anyone from getting seriously hurt.
Division St & Newark Ave Jersey City, NJ, 07302, USA - DowntownUnsafe crosswalk. Just witnessed a person pushing a stroller with a child in it almost get hit trying to cross here. The cars yielded to her, but cars behind them swerved around. Very close to hitting the child in the stroller. The car that did not yield actually honked at her as if she had been in error. A version of this incident has happened to me countless times at this intersection. A stop sign is needed to protect against a tragedy waiting to happen. The speed limit is 25 and signs are posted but defaced- there very little adherence to limiting speed, and awareness of the presence of pedestrians (particularly children from Little Gym, Brunswick center etc.).
Bay St & Greene St Jersey City, NJ, 07302, USA - The Waterfront
The pedestrian crossing at Bay St/Greene St is already incredibly dangerous, drivers fly down Greene St with no respect for pedestrians.
Recently a warning sign for drivers to slow down was placed in the crossing. Is it possible for this to be fixed to the road surface? When it is in the middle of the road, it does have some impact in forcing drivers to slow down but it is frequently knocked and moved around on the road.
I see near-misses between cars and pedestrians on this crossing nearly every day. Can something permanent be installed at the crossing to slow down the traffic - lane narrowing, etc.?
Bike Rack DamageADIは、340 Second St Jersey City 07302, United States - DowntownMultiple broken bike racks outside of JC Eco Laundry. Likely because their van continually parks illegally in a pedestrianized space.