Traffic PLUS

Open Issues: 37 Closed Issues: 4,088 Acknowledged Issues: 958
  • North St & Summit Ave Jersey City, NJ, 07307, USA - The Heights
    Polls and four corners need to be replaced people are parking on the corner please replace
  • St Pauls Ave & Tonnelle Ave Jersey City, NJ, 07306, USA - Journal Square
    Cross walk marking at this dangerous intersection is practically obliterated. please have crossing lines repainted.
  • Griffith St & Sherman Ave Jersey City, NJ, 07307, USA - The Heights
    new stop sign does not have paint on the ground to indicate the change in traffic flow
  • Saint Pauls Ave & Van Wagenen Ave Jersey City, New Jersey, 07306 - Journal Square
    The resident states that the delineators in the area need to be replaced. Cars are parking over them, reducing the available crossing space, especially when vehicles are parked close to the intersections.
  • 224-236 18th St Jersey City, NJ, 07310, USA - Downtown
    Apologies if this is the wrong section.. these sand barriers, while welcome and necessary, routinely get knocked into the bike lane. This one at the Exxon and another one further down the road (right before Marin Blvd. Unfortunately they're too heavy for me to move but have been in this position for months.
  • 283 Lembeck Ave Jersey City, NJ 07305, USA - Greenville
    allowing the intersection to be blocked with cars and not replacing the delineators at this intersection and along Romar is having dangerous consequences. Please address the blocked intersections on Romar. Cars have removed the delineators and clog the intersections.
  • Booraem Ave & Nesbitt St Jersey City, NJ, 07307, USA - The Heights
    crosswalk on Booraem across Nesbitt needs to be repainted. it will help highlight there may be pedestrians crossing.
  • Liberty Ave & Manhattan Ave Jersey City, NJ, 07307, USA - The Heights
    With the increase in traffic over the past months, the cars traveling West on Manhattan Ave, through the intersection of Manhattan and Liberty are failing to leave this intersection clear during red lights. This makes it impossible for drivers to turn left from Liberty onto Manhattan even when they have the right of way. Can there be cross hatching markings placed on the roadway-DO NOT BLOCK INTERSECTION placed here? Along with matching signage at the corner--to remind drivers not to block the intersection. Thank you.
  • 306 Manhattan Ave Jersey City NJ 07307, United States - The Heights
    Lane stripes were never repainted after resurfacing last year This is supposed to be a 3 lane road. Its become unmanageable and very dangerous as well as created unnecessary congestion due to confusion ..
  • 230 Culver Ave Jersey City, New Jersey, 07305 - West Side
    The speed hump on this block does absolutely nothing because it wasn't made wide enough to and people race around it. Can rumble strips be added on this block please. It's an extremely dangerous street.
  • 2nd St & Saddlewood Ct Jersey City, NJ, 07302, USA - Downtown
    At the corner of Saddlewood and Second there is always vehicles parked at this intersection making it very difficult to pullout and also impossible for fire trucks and sanitation trucks to get into the block. Please if you can install some roadway stripping or delineators post. Even city vehicles are parked here overnight at times.
  • Mallory Ave & Williams Ave Jersey City, New Jersey, 07304 - West Side
    Constituent says the newly painted street lines were not properly dried off and has now been smeared by passing cars which needs to be repainted