Traffic IYO

Fur Arrimaha: 16 Arrimaha xidhmay: 3,664 Arrimaha la Qiray: 919
  • St Pauls Ave & Tonnelle Ave Jersey City, NJ, 07306, USA - Journal Square
    Cross walk marking at this dangerous intersection is practically obliterated. please have crossing lines repainted.
  • Saint Pauls Ave & Van Wagenen Ave Jersey City, New Jersey, 07306 - Journal Square
    The resident states that the delineators in the area need to be replaced. Cars are parking over them, reducing the available crossing space, especially when vehicles are parked close to the intersections.
  • Romar Ave & Lembeck Ave Jersey City, New Jersey, 07305 - Greenville
    Cars have removed the parking barriers and are blocking crosswalks on all sides of Romar Avenue at Lembeck. This is causing accidents and near collisions with pedestrians. Please repair and repaint crosswalks. Very unsafe.
  • Clarke Ave & Mallory Ave Jersey City, NJ, 07304, USA - West Side
    In the morning around 8 AM, lots of cars are making a left turn from Mallory Ave into Clarke Ave to go to Rt 440. Since there is no left turn lane, these turning cars are blocking the traffic in Mallory Ave all the way from Culver Ave. can you add a left turn lane in Mallory Ave to turn into Clarke Ave to reach Rt 440?
  • 110 Mcadoo Ave Jersey City NJ 07305, United States - Greenville
    How do we request the fire hydrant at this location to have the curb painted red for appropriateenforced length?
  • College St & Towers St Jersey City, NJ, 07305, USA - Greenville
    Crosswalk is unpainted and cars typically turn onto Towers St at high speeds. A lack of visibility, combined with the wide turning radii makes this intersection unsafe for pedestrians. It would be great if this crossing could be shortened and visibility could be increased!
  • 335-369 1st St Jersey City, NJ, 07302, USA - Downtown
    1st St between Brunswick and Newark Ave is wide and drivers speed down the street. Could you paint a shoulder bike lane to calm the street? Lots of scooter riders and bicyclists use this street because it is more convenient than Columbus.
  • 306 Manhattan Ave Jersey City NJ 07307, United States - The Heights
    Lane stripes were never repainted after resurfacing last year This is supposed to be a 3 lane road. Its become unmanageable and very dangerous as well as created unnecessary congestion due to confusion ..
  • 15th St & Marin Blvd Jersey City, NJ, 07310, USA - Downtown
    This resident has requested, "the Pedestrian Crosswalk be repainted at the (Intersection of 15th St. & Marin Blvd.) She said, it's nearly faded away completely and needs to be repainted."
  • 2nd St & Merseles St Jersey City, NJ, 07302, USA - Downtown
    red Fire Department emblem missing
    please paint red emblem to replace the old yellow emblem
  • Grand St & Washington St Jersey City, NJ, 07302, USA - The Waterfront
    Bent delineator post at Grand & Marin tripped pedestrians at a dangerous location
  • Boyd Ave & Boyd Ct Jersey City, NJ, 07304, USA - West Side
    Hello. Last fall I had submitted this request and was told that it would be addressed in the Spring and was closed. The corner sidewalks of Boyd Avenue & Boyd COURT were repaired in the summer of 2023. However, they never repainted the corners sidewalks yellow. Vehicles continue to park here creating a blind spot for those exiting/entering Boyd Court. Some days it is nearly impossible for large trucks/garbage collection to enter because of the cars that are parked. Please resubmit this request to the appropriate party to have this addressed. Thank you.