Traffic PLUS

Open Issues: 42 Closed Issues: 4 088 Uppmärksammade Ärenden: 958
  • Skillman Ave & Van Winkle Ave Jersey City, NJ, 07306, USA - Journal Square
    Hi Jennifer Requests have been made for over a year now regarding this crosswalk on Van Winkle and Skillman where the crosswalk was not painted properly and vehicles routinely block the crosswalk It shouldn't fall on residents to report these issues repeatedly Could you please address Thank you
  • 274 St Pauls Ave Jersey City NJ 07306, United States - Journal Square
    Drivers are driving thru parking lane and making this street a two lane road Please provide physical barriers to prevent this behavior
  • Park Ln S & Washington Blvd Jersey City, NJ, 07310, USA - The Waterfront
    There are two left-turn lanes from northbound Washington to westbound 14th. There needs to be lane indicators for these two lanes so that the left-turners don't smash into each other.
  • Van Vorst St & York St Jersey City, NJ, 07302, USA - Downtown
    The red paint is faded and cars park right up to the corner. My daughter and I were almost hit by a car turning right onto Van Vorst due to visibility. Can this be repainted and striped to protect the pedestrian crossing?
  • 6th St & Jersey Ave Jersey City, NJ, 07302, USA - Downtown

    This intersection has at least five crushed flex post delineators. Car drivers have crushed them by parking on top of them or driving recklessly. This is destruction of city infrastructure, and negates the point of the city project of installing this infrastructure for the safety of residents in a town where drivers routinely drive and behave dangerously.

    Please reinstall them, and use more substantial delineators that can't be crushed by parking on top of them or driving over them. Thank you.

  • Central Ave & Newark Ave Jersey City, NJ, 07306, USA - Journal Square
    Cars always pull up too far (and park in front of) the crosswalk to cross Newark Ave on Central. It’s obviously because there are no markings on the road, so it’s never possible to actually use the curb cut with a stroller, wheelchair or other mobility assistance device. This has been like this for at least a year now. Please paint a proper crosswalk and/or stopping line for cars…
  • Marin Blvd & Montgomery St Jersey City, NJ, 07302, USA - Downtown
    Car is parked at the no parking area meant to be a vision zero space for cars to see pedestrians. Please add roadway delineators so that cars can’t park there and pedestrians can cross safely.
  • 1 Greene St Jersey City, NJ 07302, USA - The Waterfront
    please paint the street markings for the fire hydrant opposite 1 Greene Street.
    thank you
  • 15th St & Marin Blvd Jersey City, NJ, 07310, USA - Downtown
    This resident has requested, "the Pedestrian Crosswalk be repainted at the (Intersection of 15th St. & Marin Blvd.) She said, it's nearly faded away completely and needs to be repainted."
  • Greene St & Sussex St Jersey City, NJ, 07302, USA - The Waterfront

    Westbound traffic on Sussex Street ( Greene intersection ) routinely ignores or doesn’t see the RIGHT TURN ONLY signage painted on the road, and continues through the intersection.
    Exacerbated by parked traffic just before the intersection, which partially blocks the signage- see truck in photo.

    I have witnessed this for several years as we live on this corner. My wife works from home and sees this happen hundreds of times a day.

    This is a safety concern as they often drive quickly.

    Perhaps the traffic light could be changed to a right turn only arrow.
    The signage could be better.
    Parking could be restricted so the painted signage is not obscured.

    Thank you

  • 3rd St & Jersey Ave Jersey City, NJ, 07302, USA - Downtown

    Private individuals, especially UPS trucks, have decided it's OK to crush these delineators by parking on top of them. This has been reported many times to parking enforcement, with no ticketing follow through. This is destruction of city infrastructure by entitled jerks, and negates the point of the city project of installing this infrastructure for the safety of residents in a town where drivers routinely drive and behave dangerously.

    Please reinstall them, and use more substantial delineators that can't be crushed by parking on top of them. Thank you.

  • 485 Marin Blvd Jersey City, NJ 07302, USA - Downtown
    cones and delineator need to be added to mark clear lanes and division.
    commuters constantly ducking and diving into Right hand dedicated turn lane from 9th street to Tunnel. What is the construction update for this?