Traffic PLUS

Open Issues: 34 Closed Issues: 4 087 Uppmärksammade Ärenden: 959
  • Skillman Ave & Van Winkle Ave Jersey City, NJ, 07306, USA - Journal Square
    Requesting a speed bump or a stop sign at this pedestrian heavy crossings on Van Winkle and Skillman Ave. Cars speed up this hill just to beat the signal and reach JFK Blvd. There have been multiple instances of pedestrians almost getting run over.
  • North St & Palisade Ave Jersey City, NJ, 07307, USA - The Heights
    Cars do not yield to pedestrians in this crosswalk. Is it possible to get the flashings signs when someone is crossing?
  • 150 Van Winkle Ave Jersey City NJ 07306, United States - Journal Square
    There is constant traffic backing up on Van Winkle as well as St Paul's Avenue (between Tonnelle Ave and JFK) while the commercial corridor and designated truck route of Newark Ave remains empty or has far less volume even during peak rush hours Van Winkle and St Paul's (both residential streets) continue to be cut-thrus for impatient and aggressive drivers, creating unsafe conditions for pedestrians while contributing to the excessive noise and air pollution.
  • 289–379 Jersey Ave Jersey City 07302, United States - Downtown
    No crosswalk and poor visibility of pedestrians at the entrance to Jersey City Medical Center.
  • 18th St & Grove St Jersey City, NJ, 07310, USA - Downtown
    This intersection is regularly blocked by congestion (overflow from the poor flow of traffic through the intersection of Newark and Grove Street that is technically hoboken) causing pedestrian safety issues due to poor visibility. Can a traffic study help? Painting lines to “not block the box”? Other?
  • 62 Hutton St Jersey City, New Jersey, 07307 - The Heights

    Police and public do not obey stop signs. We are two blocks away from the police department and police do not observe stop signs. They do not enforce people running stop signs, and when approached about this issue, make excuses that “the stop signs are new”.

    This is not an isolated issue. This is seemingly accepted norm for this neighborhood and Jersey City in general.
    Stand on any street corner in this block for fifteen minutes, and it becomes apparent.

    Please, we need a pedestrian safety study and/or consequences for public drivers and for police not enforcing driving laws and exacerbating the issue by ignoring street signs themselves.

    This is for Jersey City Heights in general, but Griffith to Franklin/Sherman to Central Avenue, specifically.

  • Bramhall Ave & Halladay St Jersey City, NJ, 07304, USA - Bergen-Lafayette
    Bramhall turned to a 1 Way Street due to excessive traffic and narrow street
  • Congress St & Sherman Ave Jersey City, NJ, 07307, USA - The Heights
    Crash at this intersection this morning We need a stop sign and curb bump outs at this intersection It is difficult and dangerous to cross Congress St as both a pedestrian and driver The crosswalks are frequently blocked, esp in the morning during school drop off (I get the need for a quick drop off in the morning but it comes at the expense of many others safety This mornings crash looked like it involved kids going to school)
  • 3rd St & Brunswick St Jersey City, NJ, 07302, USA - Downtown
    All of the corners at this intersection were redone but with no safety improvements. Loading zones and curb extensions are needed to protect the pedestrian right of way. Also note that this is a school corner (PS5) at pickup time.
  • Bay St & Erie St Jersey City, NJ, 07302, USA - Downtown

    Illegal parking blocking sight lines for pedestrians and cars alike. Need curb extensions to reduce the risk to people around the heavily used pedestrian plaza.

    Also note that this car has no concern about parking illegally bc of the badge in their windshield.

  • Congress St & Webster Ave Jersey City, NJ, 07307, USA - The Heights
    The stretch from Webster to Central on Congress St has no stop signs As a result, many drivers speed up Congress St (past a day care, and past crossings that access two schools and a major park) We need to control traffic on Congress St and make it safer for residents There are also crashes at these intersections frequently because it's difficult to see oncoming traffic if you need to cross Cambridge, Sherman or Hancock
  • Palisade Ave & Beacon Ave Jersey City, NJ, 07306, USA - The Heights
    The constituents are claiming that there is a wide distance on Palisades Ave From Beacon Ave to Ferry Street with no traffic device this is very dangerous for the constituents trying to cross the street traffic don't stop.