Traffic PLUS

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  • 576-582 Manila Ave Jersey City, NJ, 07310, USA - Downtown

    Need traffic delineators/cones to prevent use of lane, leading to customer parking for Home Depot, by Holland Tunnel through traffic. The misuse of the lane slows down customers looking to park and also the through traffic when these cars in the wrong left lane try to merge back.

    Picture: Between 12th and 14th St (on Manila/Grove St), cars turning left towards Holland Tunnel entrance.

  • Bramhall Ave & Woodward St Jersey City, NJ, 07304, USA - Bergen-Lafayette
    On this corner there's always some van are vehicles blocking the flow of traffic going on to Bramhall
    Not only that
    There needs to be marked areas where vehicles will know and have no excuse that they can't park on these corners
    A red or yellowed out area
    And just a heads up hardly anyone is slowing down for the new signs posted in that area
  • Crawford St & Orchard St Jersey City, NJ, 07306, USA - McGinley Square
    this corner coming out from Crawford/orchard Street is very blind. Recommend installing a curved mirror for traffic pulling out, and maybe some snek downs to encourage summit traffic to slow down.
  • 400–498 Third St Jersey City 07302, United States - Downtown
    Is this a legal parking space? If yes, can we please have the red JCFD symbol painted further out into the roadway?
  • 3rd St & Jersey Ave Jersey City, NJ, 07302, USA - Downtown

    Jersey Ave and 3rd St is a busy intersection with many incidents of unsafe driving and parking. The daylighting with flex posts along 3rd St to the west of Jersey Ave is very helpful, but the other corners of this intersection are all missing any installed barriers.

    The paint on the ground means nothing to drivers, who routinely park illegally either on the painted daylit section of road or on the crosswalk itself, blocking visibility for drivers and pedestrians and making it more dangerous to cross. Drivers also make high speed shallow turns, which is dangerous for pedestrians, cyclists, strollers, the disabled, etc.

    This intersection would benefit hugely from having flexposts or more sturdy plastic bollards installed to fully daylight all four corners. In addition, adding planters in the daylit space would be effective at preventing any drivers from illegally crushing the flexposts, and is much cheaper than a more permanent solution like a concrete curb bump out.

    Jersey Ave and 6th St is the model here - all four corners are daylit. It would be a big win to do the same for Jersey and 3rd, except adding planters as well.

    And while we're on it, adding planters to the daylit space on Jersey and 6th corners would be helpful for the same reasons!

    Thank you

  • 485 Marin Blvd Jersey City, NJ 07302, USA - Downtown
    cones and delineator need to be added to mark clear lanes and division.
    commuters constantly ducking and diving into Right hand dedicated turn lane from 9th street to Tunnel. What is the construction update for this?
  • Greene St Jersey City, NJ, 07302, USA - The Waterfront

    Westbound traffic on Sussex Street ( Greene intersection ) routinely ignores or doesn’t see the RIGHT TURN ONLY signage painted on the road, and continues through the intersection.
    Exacerbated by parked traffic just before the intersection, which partially blocks the signage- see truck in photo.

    I have witnessed this for several years as we live on this corner. My wife works from home and sees this happen hundreds of times a day.

    This is a safety concern as they often drive quickly.

    Perhaps the traffic light could be changed to a right turn only arrow.
    The signage could be better.
    Parking could be restricted so the painted signage is not obscured.

    Thank you

  • 867 County Rd 640 Jersey City, NJ 07306, USA - Journal Square
    hi, issue is that despite the no parking zone (yellow curb) and bus stop, people still park at crosssections of sip ave and romaine, pavonia ave and romaine ave, broadway and romaine ave. this causes blind spot for drivers on romaine to cross these avenues while going straight. i recommend using Delineators for atleast 2-3 cars space to restrict any parking at cross sections to prevent any fatality or accidents. thankyou.
  • 3rd St & Jersey Ave Jersey City, NJ, 07302, USA - Downtown

    Private individuals, especially UPS trucks, have decided it's OK to crush these delineators by parking on top of them. This has been reported many times to parking enforcement, with no ticketing follow through. This is destruction of city infrastructure by entitled jerks, and negates the point of the city project of installing this infrastructure for the safety of residents in a town where drivers routinely drive and behave dangerously.

    Please reinstall them, and use more substantial delineators that can't be crushed by parking on top of them. Thank you.

  • 514 Newark Ave Jersey City NJ 07306, United States - Journal Square
    Please re-open this See Click Fix request that was filed in October 2022 The issue has not been resolved despite bringing to City's attention over 14 months ago A large segment of Newark Ave bike lane was never painted green How are the contractors the city hires so inept? Stop wasting our tax dollars like this for incomplete work Traffic: Roadway Striping and Delineator Maintenance
  • 2nd St & Marin Blvd Jersey City, NJ, 07302, USA - Downtown

    The lane shift at the intersection due to construction is dangerous. Although it’s simple, no one seems to understand it. The cars in the left lane who are headed north always verge into the right lane once through the light.

    Yesterday a bus heading south merged into the oncoming lane and almost hit me.

    I use this route multiple times a day and always have an issue. Yesterday I had 2 very close calls and I usually anticipate no one will follow the lines.

    It’s a disaster. Please help.

    I also see a request for issues at 1st street. No one seems to understand that is now one lane turning onto the Marin.

    Thank you.

  • 901 Summit Ave Jersey City NJ 07307, United States - The Heights

    Hi - the striping at this intersection is incomplete, some of the corners the painting wasn't finished I'm guessing due to cars being parked the day they worked on it.

    Also, the "no parking signs beyond this point" need to be moved accordingly to where the new striping indicates no parking (I have another ticket about this too)

    Also- when will the delineators be installed?

    I just narrowly escaped an accident due to a parked car on the crosswalk of Sherman Pl that forced me to go out too far to look at incoming traffic at summit Ave.

    We continue to request a stop sign at this intersection, but at the very least, the delineators are requested ASAP as the striping alone doesn't do anything.