Traffic PLUS
Open Issues: 37
Closed Issues: 4,088
Acknowledged Issues: 958
Beacon Way & Montgomery St Jersey City, NJ, 07304, USA - McGinley SquareCan someone look into this turning lane? It’s too short an area to be both a right and a left turning lane.
Clarke Ave & Mallory Ave Jersey City, NJ, 07304, USA - West SideIn the morning around 8 AM, lots of cars are making a left turn from Mallory Ave into Clarke Ave to go to Rt 440. Since there is no left turn lane, these turning cars are blocking the traffic in Mallory Ave all the way from Culver Ave. can you add a left turn lane in Mallory Ave to turn into Clarke Ave to reach Rt 440?
1st St & Marin Blvd Jersey City, NJ, 07302, USA - DowntownPlease install delineator poles on the corner of Marin and 1st Street where the brown paint on the corner.
15th St & Jersey Ave Jersey City, NJ, 07310, USA - DowntownIs there anyway to have a sign put here to indicate no parking Or regular enforcement of the area? Cars consistently park on this corner in the fire hydrant making it difficult to turn down this street I have reported on WOTS as requested but it consistently happens
College St & Towers St Jersey City, NJ, 07305, USA - GreenvilleCrosswalk is unpainted and cars typically turn onto Towers St at high speeds. A lack of visibility, combined with the wide turning radii makes this intersection unsafe for pedestrians. It would be great if this crossing could be shortened and visibility could be increased!
2nd St & Monmouth St Jersey City, NJ, 07302, USA - Downtown
2nd St between Monmouth and Brunswick is wide and drivers speed down the street. There also used to be some minimal bike lane indication but it's long worn away.
Could you paint a shoulder bike lane on the left hand side to narrow the street? Seems like every other wide downtown street already has this.
335-369 1st St Jersey City, NJ, 07302, USA - Downtown1st St between Brunswick and Newark Ave is wide and drivers speed down the street. Could you paint a shoulder bike lane to calm the street? Lots of scooter riders and bicyclists use this street because it is more convenient than Columbus.
111 Montgomery St Jersey City, New Jersey, 07302 - DowntownA constituent reported that two crushed delineators in the street were crushed by a truck. The constituent is requesting that they be repaired.
325 Newark Ave Jersey City, NJ 07302, USA - DowntownNew delineator at Newark & Brunswick down. Lasted about one month.
10th St & Monmouth St Jersey City, NJ, 07302, USA - DowntownNew stop bar has been painted but old stop bar has not been removed, and people continue to stop at the old stop bar, making it difficult for traffic to turn onto Monmouth.
123 Magnolia Ave Jersey City, NJ 07306, USA - Journal SquareSidewalks on both sides of crosswalk are damaged at West st and Magnolia Ave. The red bumpy thing is missing from one side.
357 Varick St Jersey City NJ 07302, United States - DowntownThey no parking strips are completely gone compared to the opposite side / it’s not clear you can’t park here and tickets are being issued to motorists.