Department of Public Works PLUS
Offene Fälle: 219
Geschlossene Fälle: 4.529
Anerkannte Fälle: 55
Tree Inspection RequestAnerkannt16 Sparkill Street Watertown, Massachusetts, 02472 - WatertownThere has been sap coming from the trees on the street that has never happened before. Worried the trees are not healthy.
Tree Inspection RequestÖffnen124 Marshall Street Watertown, Massachusetts, 02472 - WatertownTree in front of 124 Watertown with branches extensively tangled with power lines. Request for public works to trim branches off the power lines and prune tree.
Tree Inspection RequestAnerkannt11 Edith Avenue Watertown, Massachusetts, 02472 - Watertownthe tree on Edith Ave near the corner of Edith and pequossett has branches that are hitting the power line on Edith Ave. Many branches are falling off. Please look at this tree and trim it.
Tree Inspection RequestÖffnen21 Waverley Avenue Watertown, MA, 02472, USA - WatertownCity-owned tree on Watertown Linear Park leaning on top of private residence.
Tree Inspection RequestÖffnen29 Carroll St Watertown MA 02472, United States - WatertownThe linden tree at the corner of Lowell Ave and Carroll St is growing towards our home at 29 Carroll Can it be trimmed?
Tree Inspection RequestÖffnenHowe Park - WatertownHello! Some of the trees in Howe Park (inside the dog park) have dead branches, some of which are very large. Some small branches have fallen in the past few weeks. Can someone please come by to assess? The tree against the fence along Pleasant St., in the middle, has a very large dead branch. If that falls, someone (or even worse, a dog!) could get seriously injured. It's a very dangerous situation, so please have it assessed as soon as possible. Thanks in advance!
Tree Inspection RequestÖffnen201 Arsenal Street Watertown, Massachusetts, 02472 - WatertownReceived a call from a constituent stating that the trees lining Arsenal St. in front of 201 - 243 Arsenal St. are all overgrown and needing pruning. Can you please inspect these trees?
Tree Inspection RequestÖffnen111 Robbins Road Watertown, Massachusetts, 02472 - WatertownDead tree.
Tree Inspection RequestÖffnen131 Harnden Avenue Watertown, Massachusetts, 02472 - Watertownprune request