Department of Public Works PLUS
Open Issues: 281
Closed Issues: 3,720
Acknowledged Issues: 23
PotholesOpenPleasant St Watertown Town, MA, 02472, USA - WatertownPavement needs to be patched where utility work has been done on Pleasant Street westbound at the driveway for 313 Pleasant Street. When trucks speed over the divot in the road, it creates a very loud noise at all hours of the day & night.
Street Light OutAcknowledgedWatertown Square - WatertownHello,
When the traffic light turns green, only four or five cars have time to pass. (from Galen str to Main str) Please increase the time.
Thank you. -
Street Light OutOpen510–520 Arsenal St Watertown MA 02472, United States - WatertownThe new lines painted on Arsenal Street do not match up with the traffic lights at Bond Street Heading west there are now only two lanes, but there are still three lights, so there is no longera lane solely for making a left nonto o bond str et
Street Light OutAcknowledged16 Whites Ave Watertown, MA 02472, USA - Watertowntwo westernmost lights out at saltonstall Park
Street Light OutOpenMount Auburn Street Ext Watertown Town, MA, 02472, USA - WatertownFrom Galen St, Traffic signal entering onto Mt Auburn/Main isn't operating accurately nor consistently. For years, the 2 left arrows for 2 left lanes were followed by a delayed green for the 2 right lanes. Recently, all 4 lanes have received green, simultaneously. However, it has been inconsistent and unpredictable. Which is it? All green? Or delayed green for right lanes. It should not be flipping. IMHO, All green at the same time will clear backups much better.
Street Light OutAcknowledged59-81 N Beacon St Watertown Town, MA, 02472, USA - WatertownThis light is out:,-71.1805301,3a,17.4y,331.85h,110.69t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1shz0Tp4hrg036Myce7_AsTA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu -
Sidewalk or curbOpen10 Hunt Street Watertown, MA, 02472, USA - WatertownThere is a power line or cable line that has fallen from the poll and been cut. It has exposed wires and is completely covering up the sidewalk. It’s been that way for days.
Street Light OutAcknowledged510–520 Arsenal St Watertown MA 02472, United States - WatertownLast sentence of the previous post should say there is no longer a lane from which to make a left turn onto Bond Street