Department of Public Works PLUS
Otwarte sprawy: 219
Sprawy zamknięte: 4 605
Acknowledged Issues: 51
Sidewalk or curbOtwarte115 Dexter Avenue Watertown, MA, 02472, USA - WatertownThere has been a pile of cardboard sitting next to, and partially on, the sidewalk. This has been there for a few months and is clear it isn't going to be addressed by the owner.
Illegal DumpingOtwarte88 Edgecliff Rd Watertown MA 02472, United States - WatertownBroken Household stuff there at least 2 weeks
Illegal DumpingPotwierdzone39 Prentiss Street Watertown, Massachusetts, 02472 - WatertownSmall wooden furniture piece has been on the planting strip here for several weeks.
Illegal DumpingPotwierdzone115 Dexter Avenue Watertown, MA, 02472, USA - WatertownThis trash has been sitting here for the past three weeks. Obviously, the refuse pickup won't touch it and the tenants who left it there don't care. Can DPW do something about it? Many thanks.
Illegal DumpingPotwierdzone86 Hillside Rd Watertown MA 02472, United States - WatertownAlso completely blocking the ADA ramp
Illegal DumpingPotwierdzone28 Melendy Ave Watertown, MA 02472, USA - Watertown
28-30 abandoned table
34-36 abandoned dresser
38-40 abandoned lampThis stuff has been sitting on the curb for at least two weeks.
Illegal DumpingPotwierdzone24 Appleton St Watertown MA 02472, United States - WatertownCat box Two weeks
Illegal DumpingPotwierdzone81 Spruce Street Watertown, Massachusetts, 02472 - WatertownCollection of old furniture in front of this address. Has been there for several weeks.
Illegal DumpingPotwierdzone49 Grenville Rd Watertown MA 02472, United States - WatertownThree large green trash bags dumped on edge of road
Illegal DumpingPotwierdzone39 Crawford Street Watertown, MA, 02472, USA - WatertownThis was reported a few weeks ago and closed without resolution.The discarded dresser is still there.
Illegal DumpingPotwierdzone10 Bigelow Ave Watertown MA 02472, United States - WatertownSomeone dumped a couch on the part of the sidewalk in front of Watertown savings bank
Illegal DumpingPotwierdzone290 Pleasant Street Watertown, MA, 02472, USA - Watertown"free" couches dumped in unsafe location by resident of the building while moving out!