Department of Public Works PLUS

Solicitações em aberto: 219 Questões Encerradas: 4.605 Solicitações Reconhecidas: 51
  • 616 Mount Auburn Street Watertown, Massachusetts, 02472 - Watertown
    This section needs some weeding clean up, stepping into this is dangerous for people, especially elderly or young children, exiting vehicles. Thank you
  • East End Fire Station - Watertown
    All shrubbery to the right of the Engine 4 bay (right side of building as you are facing it) and down the property line along the same side of the building are in need of pruning.
  • 87 Melendy Ave Watertown MA 02472, United States - Watertown
    Please can the enforcement team get this property owner to clean this up It is full of invasive, Peres the sidewalk, encourages trash disposal, and could be harboring rodents This is unacceptable Thank you!
  • 233 Sycamore St Watertown MA 02472, United States - Watertown
    Weeds growing at base of utility pole are blocking sidewalk and also reaching onto the street.
  • 99 Galen Street Watertown, Massachusetts, 02472 - Watertown
    This is a disgrace. The weeds are not new; they have been growing all summer and need to be trimmed. Thank you.
  • Oakland St Watertown, Massachusetts, 02472 - Watertown
    There is a telephone pole on Oakland Street covered in poison Ivy. A risk for dogs and people walking by.
  • 108 Water St Watertown MA 02472, United States - Watertown
    Water street is almost impassable due to shrubs and weeds growing into the road, blocking half of the one lane, one way road.
    The street is all potholes and one has to either smash thru the bushes or crash into the giant potholes.
  • 8 Oak Street Watertown, MA, 02472, USA - Watertown
    City property need to be cleaned up. Shrubbery is blocking the sidewalk and is full of garage
  • 622 Mount Auburn Street Watertown, Massachusetts, 02472 - Watertown
    Sidewalk next to handicap spot needs some weed trimming or removal. This is like a jungle for someone getting out of a vehicle and who has difficulty walking. Thank you for your help with this.
  • 301 Common Street Watertown, MA, 02472, USA - Watertown
    There is an abandoned lot approximately 301 Common St. with constant overgrown vegetation that makes walking on this sidewalk unpleasant, and when I have the baby stroller there's no where to dodge to. This has been ongoing for several years.
  • 72 Melendy Avenue Watertown, MA, 02472, USA - Watertown
    Over grown weeds and shrubbery that is on town property. Collects a lot of trash and blocks the sidewalk
  • 8 Bemis Street Watertown, MA, 02472, USA - Watertown
    The trees and shrubs that grow between our fence and Moxley Playground were cut by the landscaping team this season, but only at the top and not at the base. In previous years the landscapers have gone between the fences and cut plants at the base, preventing them from getting so tall that they push against our fence and also make it difficult to see passing traffic when we pull out of our driveway.