Department of Public Works PLUS

Mga Bukas na Isyu: 308 Mga Saradong Isyu: 3,864 Mga Na-acknowledge na Isy: 21
  • PotholesBuksan
    166 Main Street Watertown, Massachusetts, 02472 - Watertown
    Per resident dip in street
  • PotholesBuksan
    119 Church Street Watertown, Massachusetts, 02472 - Watertown
    Per manager pothole next to speed bump.
  • Watertown Square - Watertown
    When the traffic light turns green, only four or five cars have time to pass. (from Galen str to Main str) Please increase the time.
    Thank you.
  • 10 Hunt Street Watertown, MA, 02472, USA - Watertown
    There is a power line or cable line that has fallen from the poll and been cut. It has exposed wires and is completely covering up the sidewalk. It’s been that way for days.
  • 306 Common Street Watertown, Massachusetts, 02472 - Watertown
    Constituent reported that there are multiple streetlights out on Common St. in front of 306 Common St. that is making it dangerous at night.
  • 97 Irving Street Watertown, Massachusetts, 02472 - Watertown
    Street light out, directly in front of 97 Irving
  • Arsenal Ct Watertown, Massachusetts, 02472 - Watertown

    New traffic light / rules Arsenal Ct / Arsenal st intersection.

    1. When exiting Arsenal Ct the light no longer turns green and is permanently red. This is going to cause an accident as it is forcing resident to take a left turn through a red light. This is very dangerous and needs to be fixed asap.

    2. A new "no right turn on red" has been installed prevent residents of Arsenal Ct to take a right turn from Arsenal St to Arsenal Ct. I understand that some intersections are dangerous and therefore these rules are sometimes needed however there appears to be zero reason for this signage at this intersection. This is only a hardship to residents who enter this private way. I ask that this rule be reconsidered.

  • Main St & Thaxter St Watertown Town, MA, 02472, USA - Watertown
    The previously reported malfunction of the crosswalk light button continues to be an issue. The button to signal the lights works on the side of Main St where the Post Office was, but does not work on the library side. Main St is a very busy street and lots of people cross it, including children and families going to the library. Please address this issue as the previous complaint was made three weeks ago, thank you.
  • 69 Summer Street Watertown, Massachusetts, 02472 - Watertown
    Constituent reported that the button to get a walk signal at Church and Summer is not working, at least on the southeast side of the intersection (near 69 Summer St).
  • 239 Warren St Watertown MA 02472, United States - Watertown
    When will the new speed hump/crosswalk across from Cunniff main entrance be painted and appropriate signage be installed? Cars are unaware of the hump and fly over it, likely damaging their cars but it's also already damaged the fresh asphalt from vehicles bottoming out on it
  • 352 School Street Watertown, MA, 02472, USA - Watertown
    The “new stop sign ahead” sign is completely blocked by a different sign and also appears to be at its minimum brightness. I live at the intersection and I constantly see people just drive through the stop sign not even attempting to stop. This happens in both directions but I’ve almost been hit twice from the southbound direction. I have reported this to the police but nothing has changed. Hoping DPW can do something to make it more obvious there’s a new stop sign where kids live and they should STOP at the intersection.