Department of Public Works 加
开放式问题: 240
已解决的问题: 4,632
已确认的问题: 34
235 Waverley Avenue Watertown, Massachusetts, 02472 - WatertownInspection request of trees in adjacent lot owned by city.
71 Putnam Street Watertown, Massachusetts, 02472 - WatertownThere is a Tree of Heaven planted on Putnam (around 69 and 71 Putnam). This is an invasive species and hopefully can be removed and replaced.
Howe St Watertown, Massachusetts, 02472 - WatertownReceived a call from a constituent stating that there is a tree on the corner of Howe St and Hazel St. that has branches falling consistently. They have requested that the tree be pruned or removed.
Locke St & Lovell Rd Watertown Town, MA, 02472, USA - WatertownConstituent stated that young tree located right after you take a right off of Lovell onto Locke St. has low hanging branches that in bloom during the spring cause an obstruction of view when turning onto Locke from Lovell. Requesting that the lower branches be removed or pruned to avoid this occurring come spring time.
20 Summer Street Watertown, MA, 02472, USA - WatertownOne of the trees in front of HATCH Maker Space is being girdled by its metal grating. Can the grating be removed?