Department of Public Works

开放式问题: 240 已解决的问题: 4,632 已确认的问题: 34
  • 2-98 Edith Ave Watertown Town, MA, 02472, USA - Watertown
    Hi, I am following up on my request about the tree at the corner of Edith and Pequossett. Several branches fell today. The tree was supposed to be pruned. Nothing has happened. Please provide an update. Thanks
  • 10 Fairview Avenue Watertown, Massachusetts, 02472 - Watertown
    Inspection request.
  • Coolidge Playground - Watertown
  • 124 Marshall Street Watertown, Massachusetts, 02472 - Watertown
    Tree in front of 124 Watertown with branches extensively tangled with power lines. Request for public works to trim branches off the power lines and prune tree.
  • 21 Waverley Avenue Watertown, MA, 02472, USA - Watertown
    City-owned tree on Watertown Linear Park leaning on top of private residence.
  • Trees打开
    3 Dwight St Watertown MA 02472, United States - Watertown
    Dead half of tree over sidewalk and driveway. Large branches could break off. The rest of the tree has "serious root and disease problems" but is strong overall, according to an arborist who had a look this morning.
  • 111 Robbins Road Watertown, Massachusetts, 02472 - Watertown
    Dead tree.
  • 26 Maplewood Street Watertown, MA, 02472, USA - Watertown
    Poorly planted street tree with exposed roots at 26-28 Maplewood St. Can something be done to repair the planting job so that this tree can have a long healthy lifetime?
  • 131 Harnden Avenue Watertown, Massachusetts, 02472 - Watertown
    prune request
  • Trees打开
    402 School Street Watertown, Massachusetts, 02472 - Watertown
    Prune request.
  • Trees打开
    115-199 Beechwood Ave Watertown, MA, 02472, USA - Watertown
    Tree lost all leaves suddenly in the middle of winter. Not sure if it is on city property or Perkins property, but likely to take out power/cars if it falls in a winter storm
  • 235 Waverley Avenue Watertown, Massachusetts, 02472 - Watertown
    Inspection request of trees in adjacent lot owned by city.