Parks & Recreation Services PLUS
القضايا المفتوحة: 13
اصدارا: 3,194
قضايا المعترف: 92
Solid Waste Miscتم إقراره4606 Blanton Rd Fayetteville NC 28303, United States - FayettevilleCleaning up bushy area around hydrant. Need bushes cut down to increase visibility.
Bulky Items & Limbsتم إقراره150 Stacy Weaver Drive Fayetteville, North Carolina, 28311 - Fayetteville150 Stacy Weaver owner needs help in removing debris from property, elderly widow, contacted by code enforcement to clean property, has done all she can. Looks much better needs help removing it from her property,
Household, Yard Wasteتم إقراره1222 Stansfield Dr Fayetteville, NC 28303, USA - Fayettevilleloose leaf pick, truck was in area today and didn't grab piles on Stansfield, been curbside for awhile
Solid Waste Miscتم إقراره1955 Anderson St Fayetteville, NC 28301, USA - FayettevilleLots of trash hidden in bushes off of Anderson.
Household, Yard Wasteتم إقراره1224 Calla Cir Fayetteville, NC 28303, USA - Fayettevilleloose leaf pick up, multiple piles on thr street, been curbside before pick up dates, still sitting
Bulky Items & Limbsتم إقراره2620 Larwood Dr Fayetteville, NC 28306, USA - FayettevilleA city truck cut all the limbs to the entrance of Countrywalk and left them. This note is now attached at the beginning of the trail of limbs they left. Are they to lay there and rot? Bad look for the entire neighborhood. Please help.
Bulky Items & Limbsتم إقراره5329 Dairy Dr Fayetteville NC 28304, United States - FayettevilleI'm a bus driver and the tree limbs hang over the right side of the road
Right of Way Litter Removalتم إقراره2003 Bingham Dr Fayetteville, NC 28304, USA - FayettevilleShopping cart abandoned at this location
Household, Yard Wasteتم إقراره118 Douglas St Fayetteville NC 28312, United States - FayettevilleLeaves raked to side of road. Needs to sucked up
Household, Yard Wasteتم إقراره3405 Littlestone Court Fayetteville, North Carolina, 28311 - FayettevilleLoose leaves placed in a pile in yard at road side near drainage area.
Bulky Items & Limbsتم إقراره628 Cape Fear Ave Fayetteville, NC 28303, USA - FayettevilleI believe we were missed for loose leaf pick up. they have been out there since our first day, but the neighbors may have been blocking the pile. thank you.
628 cape fear ave