Parks & Recreation Services PLUS
القضايا المفتوحة: 11
اصدارا: 3,242
قضايا المعترف: 91
Household, Yard Wasteتم إقراره702 Rush Road Fayetteville, North Carolina, 28305 - FayettevilleLoose leaves have been on street since December 18 like instructed but have not been picked up yet
Solid Waste Miscتم إقراره6001-6099 Cheshire Ct Fayetteville, NC, 28314, USA - FayettevilleLoose leaf pick up was supposed to occur from January 1-January 10 for 28314. Yet no leaves where picked up for entire street of Cheshire court
Household, Yard Wasteتم إقراره130 Ellerslie Dr Fayetteville NC 28303, United States - FayettevillePile of leaves have been there since December Any idea when someone can come by and remove them? Thank you!
4800–4826 Ramsey St Fayetteville NC 28311, United States - FayettevilleLarge amount of trash scatter down the side of Ramsey street
S Raeford Rd Fayetteville NC 28304, United States - FayettevilleCenter meridian on Raeford across street from VA Medical center full of trash Please send someone out to clean
4223 Ferncreek Dr Fayetteville NC 28314, United States - FayettevilleHydrant inaccessible for firefighting operations