Parks & Recreation Services PLUS
Otwarte sprawy: 23
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Acknowledged Issues: 121
Household, Yard WastePotwierdzone2405 Elmhurst Dr Fayetteville, NC 28304, USA - Fayettevillethey have never picked up our leaves during our scheduled lead pick-up of 12-10 to 12-20. we have had ours out in plenty of days ahead of 12-10 but they have never picked them up
Household, Yard WastePotwierdzone185 Summerhill Rd Fayetteville NC 28303, United States - FayettevilleI live in 28303 area and our loose leaf pickup was until 31 December Our street has not been picked up as of 2 January..
Household, Yard WastePotwierdzone704 Rush Road Fayetteville, NC, 28305, USA - FayettevilleMy loose leaves have not yet been picked up
Right of Way Litter Removal or MowingPotwierdzone203 Wintergreen Dr Fayetteville, NC 28314, USA - Fayettevilleloose leaf collection has been sitting since the collection date began for my zip code/area. I already called it in once, a week ago, and was told to allow for another week to pass. Another week later- it's still sitting there uncollected. Please provide to me this service.
Illegal DumpingPotwierdzone2300–2398 Graham Rd Fayetteville NC 28304, United States - FayettevilleGraham road between Raeford and Senator Rd. Trash alongside road as if it flew out of trash truck.
Bulky Items & LimbsPotwierdzone646 Pleasant Loop Fayetteville NC 28311, United States - FayettevilleLoose leaf request 646 pleasant loop
Bulky Items & LimbsPotwierdzone640 Pleasant Loop Fayetteville NC 28311, United States - FayettevilleLoose leaf vacuum request
Illegal DumpingPotwierdzone3602 Raeford Rd Fayetteville, NC 28304, USA - Fayettevillegarbage and dumping along south bound lane on all American 500m north of overpass with raeford to raeford road overpass.
Household, Yard WastePotwierdzone3505 Edgeside Ct Fayetteville, NC 28303, USA - FayettevilleThe yard waste was placed curbside before the loose leaf collection dates and the trucks never came by to collect during the 28303 collection dates.
Household, Yard WastePotwierdzone1312 Carolee Ct Fayetteville NC 28314, United States - FayettevillePine needle removal raked to street for vacuum truck
Household, Yard WastePotwierdzone5423 Docia Cir Fayetteville NC 28314, United States - Fayetteville28314 leaf pick up schedule was Jan 1-10, 2025 3 neighbor have leaves at street since 12.3.24 Please advise on scheduling removal Thank you.
Curbside Code ViolationPotwierdzone2283 Jenna-Shane Dr Fayetteville NC 28306, United States - FayettevilleLeaves from this yard are piled up on the street. I think they missed leaf pick up week.