Parks & Recreation Services PLUS
Vấn đề Mở: 10
Vấn đề đã Đóng: 3.296
Vấn đề đã Ghi nhận: 42
Household, Yard WasteĐược thừa nhận3317 Wedgewood Dr Fayetteville, NC 28301, USA - Fayettevilleneed loose leaf truck to pick up both sides of Wedgwood Dr
Bulky Items & LimbsĐược thừa nhận721 Moriston Road Fayetteville, North Carolina, 28314 - FayettevillePile has been here since 10/2023. bucket truck has fused to pickup this pile. there is a mix of tree branches and leaves in this pile. I had pile in one stack to see if bucket truck would pickup this pile. then I have separated this pile into 4 small piles and this pile is still here. I can not remove all the sticks out of this pile, if i were to bag it, bags would rip open. our pickup days are every Tuesday, this pile should of been removed by now.
Bulky Items & LimbsĐược thừa nhận829 Capitol Pear Ln Fayetteville NC 28301, United States - FayettevilleLarge tree fell into street. Fire dept and citizens cut and removed it to the side of the road.
Illegal DumpingĐược thừa nhận3275 Rosehill Rd Fayetteville NC 28301, United States - FayettevilleMixed litter along roadway.
Bulky Items & LimbsĐược thừa nhận1115-1299 Fayhart Rd Fayetteville, NC, 28306, USA - FayettevilleLimbs are blocking traffic
Right of Way Litter Removal or MowingĐược thừa nhận1520 Hope Mills Rd Fayetteville NC 28304, United States - FayettevilleOver grown, R/W, in front of drainage easement and damage fence from recent storms.
Bulky Items & LimbsĐược thừa nhận910 Carolina Ave Fayetteville, NC 28301, USA - Fayettevillelot over grown. needs to be mowed down completely. wildlife fox sittings
Bulky Items & LimbsĐược thừa nhận182 Summerhill Rd Fayetteville NC 28303, United States - FayettevilleThe street front is full of tree limbs and bushes. It is blocking part of the road and putting debris down the storm drain
Bulky Items & LimbsĐược thừa nhận521 Helen St Fayetteville, NC 28303, USA - Fayettevillebulky items and limbs blocking the sidewalk causing pedestrians the need to go into the street. This is a hazard for all disabled pedestrians.
Bulky Items & LimbsĐược thừa nhận5241 Butternut Dr Fayetteville NC 28304, United States - FayettevilleLeafs to be vacuum up.
Curbside Code ViolationĐược thừa nhận7000–7098 Fillyaw Rd Fayetteville NC 28303, United States - FayettevilleExcessive littering
Household, Yard WasteĐược thừa nhận1734 Rim Rd Fayetteville NC 28314, United States - FayettevilleLoose pine straw in two piles at this address.