City of St. Petersburg PLUS
Problèmes Ouverts: 22
Problèmes Clos: 258 218
Problèmes Pris en compte: 3 336
Alley Surface RepairReconnu2242 23rd Ave S St Petersburg, FL, 33712, USA - Highland Oaks Neighborhood AssociationPlease review ali behind property location for possible replenishment of millings in alley.
Alley Surface RepairReconnu1531 44th St S St Petersburg, FL, 33711, USA - Childs Park Neighborhood AssociationAlley washed out and millings/dirt now along road edge
Alley Surface RepairReconnu4353 6th Ave S St Petersburg, FL, 33711, USA - Childs Park Neighborhood AssociationSome large potholes have opened up after the debris pickups months ago. They just keep getting worse and are becoming difficult to drive over
Alley Surface RepairReconnu4401 3rd Ave S St Petersburg, FL, 33711, USA - Central Oak Park Neighborhood AssociationAreas of wash out in multiple areas
Alley Surface RepairReconnu2708 12th Ave S Saint Petersburg, Florida, 33712 - Wildwood Heights Neighborhood AssociationALLEY (potholes) – PAVED
Resident reported that potholes are presenting in the paved alley behind address noted. They requested alley condition review and maintenance. -
Road Surface RepairReconnu3116 19th Ave S Saint Petersburg, Florida, 33712 - Thirty-First Street Neighborhood AssociationThe alley on the side & back of 3116 19th Ave S, 33712 have pot holes, some areas are uneven with gravel and are very dusty. When it rains the water settles in the holes which makes it a muddy mess and the holes become wear and tear on the vehicles. Hopefully, the pictures are viewable.
Road Surface RepairReconnu3520 6th Ave S Saint Petersburg, FL, 33711, USA - Childs Park Neighborhood AssociationThe alley way behind 3520 6th Ave s has deep valleys and bumps . Please review and advise if repairs could be made
Alley Surface RepairReconnu305 16th Ave Ne Saint Petersburg, Florida, 33704 - Historic Old NortheastThe corner of the alley nearest 305 16th Ave NE is missing its stone rounded curb that the opposing 3 adjacent alley corners have on the same block. This has led the asphalt to erode leading to a tripping hazard. Please replace the rounded stone curb and repair the asphalt. Thank you kindly.
Alley Surface RepairReconnu4301 Dartmouth Ave N Saint Petersburg FL 33713, United States - Central Oak Park Neighborhood AssociationGiant pot hole next to drain can we get this repaired soon before it reaches the drain.a
Alley Surface RepairReconnu4082 39th Ave N St. Petersburg, FL 33714, USA - Disston Heights Civic Association
Alley Surface RepairReconnu4900 3rd St N Saint Petersburg, Florida, 33703 - St. PetersburgAlley needs re-graded