City of St. Petersburg PLUS
Problèmes Ouverts: 139
Problèmes Clos: 258 453
Problèmes Pris en compte: 3 255
Alley Surface RepairReconnu5250 8th Ave N Saint Petersburg, Florida, 33710 - Disston Heights Civic AssociationMillings alley with no millings and needs to be restored
Alley Surface RepairReconnu1531 44th St S St Petersburg, FL, 33711, USA - Childs Park Neighborhood AssociationAlley washed out and millings/dirt now along road edge
Alley Surface RepairReconnu400 34th St N St Petersburg, FL, 33713, USA - Central Oak Park Neighborhood AssociationThere are two deep pot holes in the alley between the Antique gallery and Palm Bay hotel that are dangerous.
Alley Surface RepairReconnu1144 26th Ave S Saint Petersburg, Florida, 33705 - Lake Maggiore Shores Neighborhood AssociationCitizen called and there are potholes in the alley. She used her sandbags to fill them but now they have gotten bigger
Alley Surface RepairReconnu7233 6th Ave N Saint Petersburg, Florida, 33710 - Azalea Homes Community AssociationALLEY (potholes) – UNPAVED
Resident reported that potholes are presenting in the unpaved alley behind the address noted. They requested alley condition review and maintenance.
Potholes overgrown foilage debris difficult for city sanitation to get through -
Alley Surface RepairReconnu145 17th Ave S Saint Petersburg FL 33701, United States - Old Southeast Neighborhood AssociationThe alleyway has massive sections of gravel missing after several storms It's not just a pothole, it's about 25 yards of gravel missing causing very bumpy and uneven alleyway drive ability Very worried about popping a tire. Can this alley be paved? Or a more permanent solution Thanks!
Alley Surface RepairReconnu3253 33rd St N St. Petersburg, FL 33713, USA - Historic Kenwood Neighborhood Associationlatest rains left pulleys and very deep hole
Alley Surface RepairReconnu4900 3rd St N Saint Petersburg, Florida, 33703 - St. PetersburgAlley needs re-graded
Alley Surface RepairReconnu4082 39th Ave N St. Petersburg, FL 33714, USA - Disston Heights Civic Association
Alley Surface RepairReconnu770 Almeda St N Saint Petersburg, Florida, 33702 - Fossil Park Neighborhood AssociationSugar sand making it hard for trucks and vehicles to get through
Alley Surface RepairReconnu3069 19th Ave S Saint Petersburg, Florida, 33712 - Highland Oaks Neighborhood AssociationLarge potholes
Alley Surface RepairReconnu1746 21st Ave N Saint Petersburg, Florida, 33713 - St. PetersburgCitizen called and stated the alley behind her house has a "trench" pothole she thinks it is from the rain maybe. She is concerned about the garbage trucks going down the alley and having damage to the trucks