City of St. Petersburg PIU
Problemi aperti: 2
Problemi chiusi: 252.938
Problemi presi in atto: 3.904
Traffic IssueRiconosciuto5359–5399 16th St N Saint Petersburg FL 33703, United States - Euclid Heights Neighborhood AssociationYellow light northbound, left turn signal does not work
Traffic IssueRiconosciuto3382–3398 30th Ave N Saint Petersburg FL 33713, United States - Ponce De Leon Neighborhood Association
Light turns green but red lights also stay illuminated So both red and green are lit duringa green cycle
West bound30th Ave N at US 19r SideWes
Traffic IssueRiconosciuto4th St N & 62nd Ave N St. Petersburg, FL, 33702, USA - Edgemoor Neighborhood AssociationCan someone check the timing of the turn light from 4th street onto 62nd ave north, please? It is super short and only 2 cars can make it through without running it.
Snipe Sign ReportRiconosciuto100 Main St N Saint Petersburg FL 33716, United States - St. PetersburgCrosswalk signs are down and missing since the first storm along with lighting all over the area
Traffic IssueRiconosciuto3630 38th Ave N St Petersburg, FL, 33713, USA - Disston Heights Civic AssociationThe traffic lights along 38th Ave N seem to be poorly timed since after the recent repaving. Especially the lights on 38th Ave n between 34th and 49th streets.
Traffic IssueRiconosciutoN Park St Saint Petersburg FL 33707, United States - Sunset Drive South Neighborhood AssociationGreen light timing for central avenue is incredibly excessive Again Sat for over 1:30 waiting for the light to change, with no cars using the green light, and around 20 cars stuck on Park Incredibly inefficient I've had to have you fix this timing three times over the last two years, only for someone to change it back a few months later Let's find out who is doing that and where they live; there's some corruption here and we will investigate if you don't Everyone will be held accountable in the end
OtherRiconosciuto2817 1st Ave S Saint Petersburg, FL, 33712, USA - Grand Central DistrictIntersection of 28th St & 1st Ave S facing south green light on the right is out Red light works fine :
Traffic IssueRiconosciuto118th Ave N & 28th St N Pinellas Park, FL, 33716, USA - St. PetersburgThe Eastbound left turn lane light doesn’t seem to know we are there. I feel the wait is too long And doesn’t adjust for nights and weekends.
Streetlight RequestRiconosciuto22nd Ave N & 58th St N St. Petersburg, FL, 33710, USA - St. PetersburgTraffic light at 58th Street & 22nd Avenue North. West bound left turn signal is askew. Difficult to see left turn arrow in Traffic signal.
Traffic Light OutRiconosciutoUlmerton Rd & Carillon Pkwy Saint Petersburg, Florida, 33716 - St. PetersburgThe green left turning lights going into the Raymond James complex are not showing at all. It normally shows 2 green lights for turning left (coming from the Howard Frankland bridge) but yesterday and today, the lights were not showing at all.
Streetlight RequestRiconosciuto2201–2235 43rd St N Saint Petersburg FL 33713, United States - Disston Heights Civic AssociationThe red light is out on the Northside of the road. It's been out since the hurricanes
Traffic IssueRiconosciutoN Park St Saint Petersburg FL 33707, United States - St. PetersburgTurn arrows on park st are now red instead of flashing yellow Very inefficient Please fix