Jersey City MUA Water/Sewer/Flooding/Sinkhole Issues PLUS
Open Issues: 2
Closed Issues: 669
Acknowledged Issues: 41
BROKEN CURB PIECEAcknowledgedOcean Ave & Winfield Ave Jersey City, NJ, 07305, USA - Greenvillecurb piece missing. open hole on curb.
BROKEN MANHOLE COVERAcknowledged325 Terrace Ave Jersey City NJ 07307, United States - The HeightsThis is on the sidewalk in front of 325 Terrace It’s missing the cap As far as I can tell, it's related to the water main? please fix
BROKEN MANHOLE COVERAcknowledged403 First St Jersey City 07302, United States - DowntownBroken catch basin. After repairs in street contractor left this 1 foot wide hole into the sewer open without protector.
Manhole/Street Drain IssueAcknowledgedBeacon Pl & Montgomery St Jersey City, NJ, 07304, USA - McGinley SquareHi, I am reaching out because the storm drains on & around Beacon Pl and Montgomery St in Jersey City have abnormally strong odors of raw sewage. The street on the northbound side of Beacon Pl also seems to be caving in near one of the drains, which makes me wonder if something is has ruptured and is allowing the stench to permeate at street level more than usual. While these grates are obviously connected to the sewers and some amount of odor is expected, the amount that the surrounding area constantly smells like sewage is pervasive and disgusting for people who regularly wait for the bus or have to walk around that area.
Street Sweeper ConcernsAcknowledged836 Newark Ave Jersey City, NJ 07306, USA - Journal SquareBroken steel catchbasin cover. This catch basin at the southeast corner of Newark & Tonnele Ave. has been a problem before, and now the steel abutment has separated from the sidewalk and is tilting into the street. This is a very busy corner and this damage presents a serious risk of injury. Please put it on a. expedited list for repair.
Litter/Debris/GarbageAcknowledged6th St & Division St Jersey City, NJ, 07302, USA - DowntownRequesting the city please clean up the dead leaves and garbage and clear this catch basin at 6th and Division. This intersection floods very easily and this is a classic example of how the city can be proactive before the next storm hits. Also, shows how the street sweepers are not doing a good job here. Thx in advance!
Manhole/Street Drain IssueAcknowledgedTonnelle Ave Jersey City, NJ, 07306, USA - Journal SquareThe grate cove next to the sidewalk moves when cars run over it turning the corner. The grate cover will go up and down and can move around. This grate cover needs to be better attached to the sidewalk or road.
Clogged Catch BasinAcknowledged175 Tonnelle Ave Jersey City NJ 07306, United States - Journal SquareBasin clogged in front of 166 Tonelle Ave @ NE corner with Van Winkle Avecoughe
Clogged Catch BasinAcknowledgedGautier Ave & Mallory Ave Jersey City, NJ, 07306, USA - Lincoln Park
Clogged Catch BasinAcknowledged367 Armstrong Ave Jersey City, New Jersey, 07305 - Greenville
There are the catch basins located at 367 and 366 Armstrong avenue that need to be clean.Thank you
Clogged Catch BasinAcknowledged2nd St & Colgate St Jersey City, NJ, 07302, USA - DowntownDebris, rotting leaves clogging up drain at the corner of Colgate and second. Health hazard and looks awful. Please send someone to clean
Sewer IssueAcknowledgedMagnolia Ave & West St Jersey City, NJ, 07306, USA - Journal SquareSewer on Magnolia & West smell awful. Please clean and deodorize